Chapter 07

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Arnav knocked the door ignoring the strange feelings in his heart. What the hell was happening to him.?

To increase the strange feeling in him, a voice answered,

“Come in"

It felt weird. This voice made him weak which was even more weird. That voice held a pain which clenched his heart even though he didn't know what it was.

The voice was not like sugar sweet like the girls usually used to be cute. This voice had a uniqueness he never heard.

Arnav couldn't wait to see the owner of the voice who caused him pain without even intentionally. It scared him. He was never the one to be scared or afraid. Brushing the thoughts away with a hard effort, he entered the cabin to hit by the feeling even more harder than he felt outside the cabin.

She was standing near the table, looking at some files facing the other end of the cabin. Arnav couldn't see her, and he was becoming desperate to see her. Arnav never liked female clients but now he wanted to see her. It was not normal at all.

Arnav warned himself,

Stop it ASR.

You should not associate with this person.

Do your job.

She caused pain even though without him seeing her.

Stay away. Do the bloody job for Akaash, and stay away, I feel I'll get more hurt, the more I go near her. So protect her and stay away.. Stay aw.....

He lost the train of thought when she turned to face him.

She was...

He couldn't even describe properly.

He never felt anything this strong to anyone. She was, of course beautiful. But that doesn't made her unique. There was something in her which Arnav couldn't pin point exactly what, may be a magnetism or something that's attracting him towards her.

Her face was calm and oh her eyes, the hazel eyes which stared at him.. No no.. Saw through his eyes to his soul.

It has such depth that he lost it completely. Suddenly it meant everything to him.

The intensity in her eyes was too much that it hurt him. It was strange. His heart started beating fast, the moment he entered this cabin but also pain was there in him. It was impossible to feel both happiness and pain at same time.

His mind started working and warned him again,

Stay away from her.

I feel nothing good about this meeting. Stay away before it's too late.

But his eyes analyzed everything about her obsessively as if there's no tomorrow.

Her skin was milky white and hair was a little dark which made her milky skin a bit more white. Her eyes was the most beautiful, deepest thing he ever saw. She was slim and the firmness in the way she stood made him admire her even more.

And he saw the scratches and little bruises on her face. Arnav never felt this much anger and rage in his life in the moment he looked at those scars and how much pain it must have caused her. A strong feeling of protectiveness and possessiveness washed over his entire mind and heart.

He clenched his fist thinking about the stupid persons who did this to her. Job or no job he would protect her no matter what.

His mind started the mantra again,

Stay away from her before it's late..

Stay away from her before it's too late..

Stay away from her before it's too late..

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