Chapter 16

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Khushi finished the deal and all the paperwork needed for it and went towards the parking area to finally go home. Just when she opened her car, Arnav said

“Let me drive mam."

Khushi didn't like anyone seeing her weak or thought of her as incapable and she hated when people wanted to sugarcoat everything, thinking she was a delicate girl just because her ankle got twisted a little.

“I can drive myself Mr.Raizada."

“But your leg mam...."

“It's just a sprain."

She didn't wait for his answer, hopped on her car and raised her eyebrow at him daring to go against her word.

She was khushi kumari gupta and no one opposed her. He sighed and sat on the front seat silently.

Khushi drove home and parked the car after she reached home at last and bit back the wince which wanted to escape. Her ankle ached still she had seen far worse than this.

Arnav knew she was in pain and knew he'd get a temper tantrum if he offered help but couldn't help it. He didn't realize that deep deep inside him yearned to touch her, hold her...

“Let me help you mam."

And without waiting for an answer, he kneeled down and pulled her sandals, knowingly or unknowingly brushed her legs with his fingers longer than necessary, he put those apart and he rounded his hands around her waist making her lean against him.

Whatever protest she wanted to voice had died down the moment he touched her. She could feel heat radiating from him even through the clothes.

He walked her to the backside stairs which she used personally to avoid meeting Buaji and father.

He knew it would pain her if she went through the stairs so he lifted her without asking permission and climbed the stairs.

Khushi put her hands around his neck. He bent down his head to look at her and inhaled her scent, vanilla and something uniquely Khushi. He looked away as he couldn't take it anymore to look at her. Her body in his arms enough was doing crazy things to his body and mind.

His grip was tighter but it didn't bother her. Strangely it comforted her. He couldn't help but tighten the hold and held her a little longer even after reaching her room. He slowly put her down, biding good night.

He mostly used the guest room she first shown him during his first day. She usually worked late so he mostly stayed here. He closed the door, leaning against it and let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

What possessed me to do that..? She's KKG. She must be tired that's why she must have let this go. Else who knew? God.! What happened to me? He groaned aloud.

But couldn't help but stare at his lucky hands. He closed his eyes.

The bright hazel eyes looking at him irritatingly..

Vanilla and fresh scent of some perfume he breathed from her neck..

The soft body in his hands..

The parted lips..

Her slender hands around his neck creating goosebumps due to the direct skin contact..

He opened his eyes. He couldn't forget anything. He slammed his head hard at door behind him.

He has gone crazy. That was the only explanation he could come up with his behavior. He sighed, changed his clothes and dropped tiredly on bed where Khushi did the same.

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