Chapter 36

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Arnav cannot really fully grasp the reality of what really is going on..

One moment he was in heaven, holding his hands with Khushi, smiling like there's no worry in the world and just like that, she's gone..

Arnav could feel something wet trailing down on his cheeks.


Arnav didn't even realize he's crying..

It cannot be...

No matter how others may think of Khushi, she maybe arrogant, workaholic, moody, quick to snap and even ruthless....

But to Arnav, Khushi is everything to him..

He didn't know what will happen to him if something happened to her..

Just then Arnav felt immense rage overwhelming him looking at the guards surrounding him in worry.

Arnav just lost his cool and threw punches at them without caring who are them and just in a blind fit of rage attacked everyone ignoring the protests of calm down.

Finally, guards restricted him,

“ASR, please calm down.. It's not a time for this.. We have to find Mam"

“Bastards... Why did you come to save me instead of going to protect her..?"

One thing Arnav could not understand is this.. Why did all of them reached for him and not her..?

Aman looked at him in a strange way and asked him,

“Don't you know?"


Arnav asked in confusion to try to understand what's going on.

“Don't you remember ASR when you first joined the job..? The one and foremost rule you have to agree to..?"

“Yeah... To protect her family and to even ignore her even if she's in danger but what does that have to do with me..?"

“We were informed of your marriage ASR.. You're her family too..."

Damn it....

Arnav was shocked to the core to hear this. He didn't know Khushi would go such length to protect him when it's his duty to protect her..

Arnav cannot believe it.. He thought she likes him and given time he will make her fall in love with him.....

But he never realized she loves him enough to do this...

Arnav thought she's keeping their marriage hidden because she was somehow ashamed or felt uncomfortable for the world to know she's married to a bodyguard...

But her feelings for him ran deep and Arnav felt like crying and laughing all of a sudden..

How could it be....?

Of all the time to realize she has feelings for him...

A strong enough proof that proves she loves him....

And now she's gone....

Arnav wiped the tears....

No... No.....

He will bring her back no matter if he has to do anything for that. Arnav will not rest till he find her.

“Aman.. Get the security footage."

“Yes ASR, one of them went to retrieve it from controlling room already"

Arnav has a strong doubt it's her uncle since he got released months ago.

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