Chapter 04

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Khushi rubbed her eyes to get over the sleeplessness effects. She knew she definitely had dark circles now. She had a headache too as her head was throbbing but she ignored it..

She was a working machine. That's what the businesses world has nicknamed her. She didn't mind though. She was busy enough to even not have breakfast. She didn't have time to worry about what others thought of her. Even if she does, she didn't give a damn to others.

She was on the way to home to meet her Payal di. The name itself brought warmth to her cold heart.

Oh no.... No... Her di would surely notice the dark circles and worry about her. She wanted to give her di a world where no one could hurt or make her di worry not even herself. Di was all she had as a relation.

Khushi didn't need protection. What is there to live her life for.?

But di didn't understand this. It was impossible to stop her Payal di once she decided on something.. Payal di did what she wanted, after all who's sister was she?

The car reached home and Khushi got out of the car, informing Hari Prakash to get the luggage.

She wanted to sleep badly as her eyes too hurt with how dry it felt. She entered the home, walking straight to her room, upstairs.

Her father was reading the newspaper in hall without acknowledging her presence and her Buaji closed her eyes pretending to be praying or something.

They acted as if nothing happened, as if no one walked across the hall. Khushi just ignored and acted as if they didn't exist in return. Khushi was used to this anyway. She in fact  preferred this.

Hari prakash took care of the luggage and went to give Khushi mam's favourite black coffee. He then went out of the room as silently as he could because he was afraid of her rage for no reason.

Khushi freshened up and changed her clothes before she finished the coffee and searched for the sleeping pills. She wanted a sleep without dreams or nightmares.

Just then Payal Di came in and hugged her from behind.

“Baby doll, how are you?"

“Fine Di"

She tried to move away from her di's arms. She didn't like touches much except her di and her best friend's hug.

Payal let her to pull away from the hug and sat on bed to speak with her. But Khushi still didn't face Payal di yet not wanting to face Di..

“Baby doll, I've spoke with Mr. Akaash about personal guards. And you discuss further details with him. Ok?"

Payal Di was too much. She never forgot anything. Did she?.

Straight to the topic.

Payal Di said as if she knew what's going on her mind.

“Baby doll, no need to use your business brain. We had discussed about this and you've agreed. So stop it and talk to him while you're free."

Khushi gave up. Fighting or arguing with her di was impossible even though Khushi could win easily but she let her sister win every time even in silly things.

Khushi nodded saying, “Ok di, as you wish."

“Good baby doll, now just turn around and show your beautiful face to your di.. I've missed you. Stop sulking about the guards, turn around and give me a hug."

Khushi couldn't hide the truth any longer. Her di would throw a tantrum. She clenched her fingers waiting for her Di's drama and turned around to face her Di.

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