Chapter 21

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Arnav watched (actually glared) at the person Shyaam (gritting his teeth while saying his name mentally) when Shyaam put one hand around her waist and other on the shoulder, lifted her as if he had experience in this and she snuggled against him unconsciously and put her hands around his neck all the while settling her face in the crook of his neck.

No one said anything in the office. When Shyaam looked at them, everyone went to their work silently.

He followed Shyaam who walked toward the cabin, settled her on the sofa and went to look for water. Just then he noticed Arnav was standing right beside him.

“You can go to your work."

“I am doing my work." He challenged Shyaam. Shyaam was going to ask what did he mean by that just then Khushi murmured,


“I am here Khushi. " his voice and expression softened. Arnav curled his fingers tightly.

“Sweet Shyaam..."

What the hell? She was calling him sweet Shyaam.. Hmm.. What am I? Sour ASR..? Ugh..

Just then Shyaam took a chocolate bar and gave it to her. Oh.. She was asking sweet. Arnav's tensed body slightly relaxed. That meant.. Khushi mam has diabetes.

Not that he cared it just that it was a shock knowing this.. Yep.. That was all..

Shyaam helped her sit and fed her chocolate all the while one hand caressing her back. Arnav could feel his nails digging in his palm. He evened his breathes, berating himself for losing control. He didn't care about this. Nope. Not at all.

Shyaam again looked at him and asked him,

“Why are you still standing here....?"

He was going to tell him to mind his own business but Khushi spoke,

“No, he can stay." It was barely a whisper but those words brought whole emotional roller caster in him. He unconsciously pressed a hand over his chest to calm his heart.

God, it was beating fast because of a word from her.

Yeah take that Shyaam, he gave a smirk (evil smirk) to him.

He was sure he was the only one who noticed Shyaam's arms tightening around her before letting go and helped her to sit now that she's wide awake.

Khushi relaxed and leaned back against the sofa. She motioned Shyaam to sit beside her...

Then she asked,

“ What are you doing here..?"

“Why..? Aren't you happy to see me..?"

“No.. No, it's not like that. Actually I am happy you're here. But why didn't you tell me..?"

“Wanted to be a surprise.."

“I like this surprise." Not noticing the glare aimed at both of them.

“Actually I got a reason for coming here."

“Oh...?" Khushi felt disappointed that he didn't come for her but it vanished hearing the next statement.

“I came for you knowing you needed me."

“How...?" Khushi asked feeling content that she could count on him whenever she wanted and wondered how he knew she needed him.

“You're not the only one to keep tracks of Payal. "

Khushi sighed and hugged him and smiled slightly and unknowingly, creating a volcano in Arnav.

“Let's talk somewhere else." She said and looked at Arnav.

“I will be back in an hour or two. You can go if you want to your home."

“No, I will wait for you.." Khushi looked at him startled at his harsh tone and the missing word mam.

Before she could ask Arnav, Shyaam put his hands on her back and guided her to the door. She dislike them coddling her but she needed food and strength so she allowed it and also that it was Shyaam who had seen in her worst so she didn't mind.

Shyaam drove the car while she sat silently and Shyaam parked the car after reaching a restaurant and for the first time in weak ate fully and enjoyed it while Shyaam smiled at her, watching her silently..

She noticed that her appetite was as usual, not related to stomach but her loved ones.

“Relax khushi, Payal is not a child and we both know her decisions were mostly right "


“And I've checked on this Akaash too. He's a good guy and was once bodyguard too so he can protect her well."

“I know.."

“Then what are you worrying about it...? NK too called and told me about your health. "

Khushi muttered traitor under her breath but hearing Shyaam chuckle she was sure he heard that.

“Shyaam it's just that.... It's..."

She looked up to see his hands covering hers which was on the table.

“Its ok doll. I know what you think about this. But your di will never stop being yours just because she loves and wants to marry. She will never even see him again if she feels you don't like her going away..."

“Is that so...? Won't she become involved in her life and forget about me?"

“Oh.. Come on, you're her first priority. She will freak out more than you to even think about leaving you. Wait and watch she will somehow convince this Akaash and ask him to live in your house..."

Khushi shook her head feeling better knowing her di woulf mostly do what Shyaam told.

Ugh.. She hated insecurities like a scared child. But it was ok because it's her di and she didn't mind showing her vulnerable side to Shyaam.

She smiled and told him,

“I missed you, when are you going to come here."

Shyaam looked pleased and answered her,

“I will stay for a week, I just wanted to come and scold you for not caring your health."

“You should have called.."

“And you would've listened..? I just have three more months work and I will come back home permanently. ”

They talked for hours about their business and his stay and the places he went, his project, her work, her health. It was just like old times, talking about everything and nothing, enjoying each other's company like there's no tomorrow..

Khushi didn't notice the time at all as it usually happened whenever they talked..

And seeing the waiters giving glances at them, they both finally decided to go after paying the bill..

“Just drop me to the office, I've work to do..."

“Yep." Shyaam shook his head fondly knowing Khushi and her workaholic habits. He decided to drop her office and to visit Payal and family..

When they reached their office Shyaam asked the question he so wanted to ask,

“By the way, who was he,..? In your cabin..?"

“Oh, he was one of the personal guards di arranged."

Khushi bid bye and went to her office knowing everyone mostly should have already left as she had spent hours with Shyaam..

She entered her cabin only to be pulled flush against a strong chest by a hand around her waist..

She gulped feeling herself blush at the close proximity of Arnav and his hand was unknowingly caressing her back.

She was KKG and she does not blush. But no matter how hard she tried she just blushed and lowered her eyes unable to meet the intense chocolate brown eyes burning her and seeing through her soul.

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