Chapter 17

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Khushi didn't know what to do.? She did the only thing came into her mind. She went to reception, brought the keys and took her car.

She drove as fast as she could while continuously calling him. Damn it! She clutched the steering tightly, knuckles turning white.

I hope he was not there, I will check it for sure. She didn't know why but she wanted to check herself. What the hell he was doing switching off his mobile. I am going to kill him.

She reached there even breaking one signal point so she could reach here as soon as possible, parking her car hastily, she got out looking at the building. No wonder the engineer couldn't do anything.

She quickly opened the door and went inside yelling,

“Are you there..?"





She went upstairs yelling his name again and again.

He must have gotten home safely.

Idiot. Wait until I see him. He could have informed me, he switched off the pho...

Just when she heard a groan and went in that direction. Her breath hitched,

He was leaning against a wall and there was a pool of blood near him.


He half opened his eyes.

Khushi called his name again and he didn't respond well. She searched the area to find any water and found a tap. She sprinkled the water and lightly slapped his face.. At last he opened his eyes albeit slowly..


“You idiotic person. Mr.Raizada you should be more careful."

She tore the lower part of her top and covered where the blood was coming from his body. He was feeling dizzy, might be because of blood loss Khushi concluded.

Just then he pushed her away and told her,

“Leave me."

“What..?" Khushi was perplexed at his words.

“I said leave me Ms. Gupta. You said that you never want to see my face again then why would you care if I die or get injured...?"

“I was angry Mr.Raizada. Now is not the time to speak. Let's go."

“No, I want to know what have I done. Tell me."

“What...? You have done the thing I specifically told you not to do. Of course I will get angry."

“What did I do..?"

“You told Payal di about the leg sprain. I told you to never tell anything to my di. If you betray my privacy then how could I not get angry?"

“So all the anger is for this..? Did you know she saw you when I was supporting you when you were limping at that night. She asked me. Ok..? She asked me and I told it was just a sprain."

Khushi closed her eyes. The feeling she long forgotten emerged inside her...

Guilt..... She pushed it away and tried to help him.

But again he pushed away.

“No need mam. It's my job to protect you not yours. After all you will be happy that I got injured."

“No. It's no...." Arnav cut her in mid sentence,

“It's ok mam. Leave it" and by putting one hand on the wall for support he limped towards the exit. He berated himself for letting a large piece of metal scratch him while trying to jump from the falling cement and bricks of the ceiling.

He tripped and his leg got trapped in metal and furniture. He wasted so much time pulling his leg out by then he lost blood and leaned on that wall. He couldn't tell her but he was so glad she came. He didn't know why but she came.

“Mr. Raizada cease this nonsense and let me help you."

“Thank you but no thank you mam."

“Mr. Raizada...."

”Let's get out of this place before it collapse. And I can take care of myself."

To prove him wrong he tripped and a hand came steadying him with a concern filled beautiful voice,


His breath hitched.

Am I dreaming or her voice seemed soften as she came so close.

“Yesterday you helped me. Let me help you today."

Arnav was speechless hearing his name from her. God.. He didn't know his name could sound this beautiful..

“Mr. Raizada, careful.." She said while giving her shoulder to lean on.

He deliberately slipped and there it was,

“Arnav.. Careful." God..! He pushed her against the wall with his body pretending to be hurt. He was hurt and slightly dizzy due to the blood loss but not that much but his insides glowed seeing her concern for him... Him..

Khushi gulped nervously, she had never been in any intimate form with any man. She could feel his abs and muscles of his shoulder.

Arnav inhaled her scent and leaned a little closer.

Hmmmmm... Heaven..

He closed his eyes and rested his face against her hair.. She smelled wonderful.

Khushi thought he was fainting and put some strength to steady him,

“Arnav..! Arnav wake up. We have to go before the condition of this building worsen."

He woke up from the daze and limped with the help of her. They got out of the building and went towards the car.

This time he couldn't support the weight at all with the injured leg and tried to walk he slipped but Khushi supported him firmly putting a hand around his waist and another on shoulder.

He didn't know where she got the strength from this lean body of hers.

She helped him seated in car and drove carefully for the first time in her life.

“Mam.. Where are we going..? My flat is on that way."

“Don't be stupid Mr. Raizada, we are going to hospital to heal you. "

“But its not that big, I can heal myself."

“Shut up and be silent"

“But, but,.."

“No arguments.."

Arnav kept silent but couldn't help but smile inwardly at her concern. He didn't care if she acted this way with all her employees but this time, now with him, her concern was for him and him alone.

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