Chapter 15

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The moment Khushi clutched his shirt tight, he couldn't help the warm fuzzy feeling exploding in him..

What was happening to him..?

Arnav couldn't help but notice the rapid increase in his heart.. It was beating so fast that it hurt..

God.. It hurt.. Was something wrong with his heart? Some sort of disease?

Khushi was the first to gain her conscience and slowly tried to pull away..

Arnav realized that and slowly put her down. Khushi tried to walk but her ankle was twisted during the fall, she couldn't help but trip again and pulled the nearest thing to support and it happened to be Arnav.

Arnav's hand automatically pulled her waist by doing so he pulled her flesh against his chest and steadied her stand.

His breath caught when she looked at him. The hazel eyes were so expressive that he couldn't figure out the emotion in the eyes..

He told her very softly, “let me help you to the car mam.."

She was so near that she breathed in his cologne and something purely Arnav..

His breathed near her ears, her legs trembled slowly. Normally she would have protested showing weakness in front of anyone. But she just nodded, too caught up in this situation.

He put one hand on her shoulder and lifted her in bridal style. She had no choice but to put her hands around his shoulder.

She could feel his muscled body and six packed figure against her. It was so close to be anything but comfortable.

She was of no weight to him but all the same he liked it. The car was of few distance and free of press else they would have been blinded by the cameras.

He tightened his hold before letting her down gently and helped her to the seat.

She was stunned by his gentleness. Of course it was his job but couldn't help but pleased by the attention he gave her. She used every ounce of her control to not blush.

“Mam, key..?"

“I can drive Mr. Raizada"

“I know you can mam. Your ankle is twisted and let me help you."

Khushi let him drive. Her mind was confused by the recent events that she just didn't feel like arguing.

Arnav drove silently thinking about how it felt to have her in his arms while Khushi thought about how it felt to be in his arms.

Khushi's mind was trying to convince itself,

I should not let him confuse me. He is no one to me. Nothing happened, it's just she was tired and got hurt that she was experiencing like this.

She had to clear her mind.

What better way to do that..? Work.

“Drive to my office.."

“Mam.. " It was already late and also she was hurt.  Now she wanted to work..?

“To office Mr. Raizada."

“Yes mam."

What could he do.? She was really scary sometimes when she go all commanding work mode. Arnav drove slowly and stopped one time near cafe to bring her a black coffee she preferred as she was frowning before, might be because of a headache.

Honestly how could a girl be like this.? Most of her age girls would be going shopping, movies and do fun, silly things even her Payal di did. She really was a working machine as the rumors suggested.

He got it back to her who was sitting in the car, not wanting to walk with her twisted leg,

While she drank her coffee, Khushi's phone rang,

“Yes NK..?"

“Khushi where are you.?"

“Where are you NK..? After the show I am going to the office to deal with the orders we got because of the collection we displayed. What about you..?"

“I've given instructions to our department that deals with media and your designers are managing the rest. I am also on the way to office.."

“Yeah, ok. I was waiting for you only. Let's finish the deal."

“Ok.. I will be there."

She cut the call as Arnav took the cup to discard it in dustbin, he started the car..

She turned towards him,

“Can you drive little faster?"

Damn... She noticed it..

How can a person get excited about working. And NK.. God he was the perfect assistant for working machine as NK too liked work.

Arnav parked the car in the parking area of the office and clenched his hand looking at NK waiting there.

How did he get there before them..? Must be because Arnav drove slowly and tried to waste some time in the cafe so she could take a breathe and relax..

Arnav opened the door and extended a hand to help her up.

NK asked, “What happened to khushi mam..?"

“She slipped and twisted her ankle."

“Oh God khush.. Are you alright? Does it hurt..?" He pushed Arnav's hand aside and went straight to Khushi who was still seated in her seat..

NK kneeled down in front of her and pulled the heals from her slowly and placed it in the car, muttering, “I knew you were uncomfortable in heels, why wear it then khush..?"

Khushi remained silent and he extended his hand to help her.

Khushi gave her hand to NK, the beast in Arnav roared at NK.

“Can you walk.? Or should I lift you.?"

“God NK.. I can walk."

“Don't lie to me Khush.. You always hide your pain.. Not to me.. Let me help you."

“Ok boss" she teased him playfully like she did in old days. But it was the first time Arnav saw any emotion other than cold angry look on her face..

Oh..! How he hated NK.. But why did he hate NK..? NK didn't do anything to him..

I don't hate him. Really I don't.

“Lean on me. I will help you get your cabin and get you medical attention."

Yes.. I hate NK.

“You won't leave me alone otherwise, will you..?" khushi sighed and leaned on NK.

NK put hand on her shoulder while another hand circled her waist to balance her. Khushi rested her head on his shoulder. Khushi was confused and tired so she let the weakness once and it was NK..

I hate him very much now, Arnav thought.

“You're mothering me NK. I am letting this once."

“Oh..? Be glad he's not here else he would have lifted you and went to hospital first."

Another person..? Who was he..?

“Please don't tell him else he will come all the way from business trip for just a sprain."

“Then let me use a numbing spray."

“You win this time. And please don't tell di, she'll overreact"

”Ok. But if she knows by somehow, she'll kill both of us."

“I can manage her."

They went to the office and she didn't even glance at him. Something hot and raw clenched his heart. She didn't even said thanks.

Why would she.? After all it was his job to protect her and why would she say thanks.?

Arnav put his both hands in his pockets, lowered his head and walked after them.

He never felt like this. He felt defeated some how. It hurt to even walk as she walked in front of him leaning on someone else.......

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