Chapter 19

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Arnav woke up, looked around to find Khushi was looking at him. She raised an eyebrow and pointed towards his flat. That's when he realized he slept in the car and by the looks of it from the window, it was nearly morning.

He thanked her feeling grateful and got out, moved towards his flat. He had two days leave to rest and to get his mind together.

No one affected his mind and heart like Khushi did and that too so easily. He didn't know why but he had to avoid her which was impossible because having a job protecting her day and night made it impossible to avoid her.

He laid on bed after freshening up, changed his clothes and dressed the wound again.

He sighed.. Why did her every action, every word affected him.?

One second she overreacted over nothing and hurt him by her harsh words. Next second she ordered him to go to hospital and took care of him.

Was it always going to be a rollercoaster of happiness and sadness with her...?

Was it always going to hurt....?

He closed his eyes and welcomed the darkness by giving into the sleepiness again as he was tired and he had leave for two day too.

Khushi went to her room in the office not wanting to have a run in with Buaji this early. She laid down for a while knowing only few hours to start working. She was so tired and her neck ached with the way she slept in the car and decided to sleep properly at least for a while..

Time flew by...

Two days passed for Khushi feeling something missing and constant longing.

God...! She hated this feeling. She felt like this during her childhood wanting desperately for someone to come and take her away.

She had buried that feeling and now she was feeling like this again..!

Arnav spent two days resting, eating and bored out of his mind.  He definitely didn't spend his two days resisting the urge to go to office and see her. Nope, he definitely didn't.

He was cool and Khu.. Ms.Gupta didn't invade his mind at all. Nor did he replay the moments she was close with him or the way it felt to have her body pressed against him in his mind at all. He was ASR and cool.

So he didn't go to office after two days eagerly nor did he felt elated looking at her working earlier than employees in her office. His heart beats didn't rise at all.

Avoiding...? What avoiding..? How could you avoid oxygen when that's what kept you alive and gave a chance to live..

What...? Where had that thought came from..?

He groaned as he could still feel the soft body pressed against him, faint vanilla scent evading his senses if he closed his eyes.

His thoughts were interpreted by a voice..

“How are you Mr.Raizada..?"

“Fine mam."

With that she went back to her work and he followed her all the day doing his job, not that he followed her like a lost puppy, nope definitely not.

Arnav looked at her closely and saw dark circles under her eyes indicating her sleepless nights...

He ate dinner and waited outside her cabin for her to finish her job because it was getting late and everyone already left office even the stupid NK.

She called him in and told him,

“You can go Mr. Raizada. I am not going home today."

“No mam, I'll stay here."

“There are security guards outside the office Mr.Raizada. You can go."

“No mam. Its my job as long as you're not home I can't leave you."

Khushi sighed, usually she would argue but today she was tired.

Just then her di called, Khushi couldn't believe her luck. A stubborn guard and now was going to have an hour lecture from Di. But no matter what she would always answer her Payal di.

“Yes di?"

“Baby doll, Are you not coming home.....?"

“I can't come today too di."

Arnav listened their conversation and realized that she didn't go home for two days and she looked tired on her feet..

Arnav couldn't help but feel amused listening The great Khushi Kumari Gupta acting like a baby listening to her mother while talking to her di and he could guess that her di was probably giving a health lecture looking at Khushi's exasperated expression on her face. Her anger all but gone while speaking with her di.

Khushi cut the call and said,

“Very well. You can come with me and guard while I work in my room."

She grabbed her file and laptop, went to her room inside the cabin as Arnav followed her, remembering the first time they entered this room.

They stayed silent for an hour and Arnav looked up at her only to find her asleep on the working table.

He shhok his head at her fondly, put aside the files and lifted her slowly. He almost died of the feelings rushing through him when she rested her head on the crook of his neck and nuzzled against him like a cat.

He tightened his hold on her and slowly placed her on the small bed.

She looked so innocent.. He had a sudden very strong urge to share the small space with her in the bed and to dominate her body, making her mould against him. He traced his fingers over her face treasuring every second. He traced even slowly and his fingers lingered especially on her lips.

He bit his lip as he couldn't bite her lips...

He moved his hand away, not trusting himself to not do anything stupid and pulled the blanket over her before switching the small light on and switched the rest of the lights off..

He sat down near the bed, dragging a chair near by and rested his head on the bed wondering about how he had nothing but dirty thoughts when it came to Khudhi... He gave in to his sleep berating himself.

Arnav woke up only in the morning, feeling his neck in pain due to the unusual angle he slept and yawned.

He rubbed his eyes off and looked around to find her absent. He shook his head and went to the washroom to freshen up. He entered the cabin and waited for her to scold him about yesterday night but nothing happened as she kept her eyes firmly on her file as she didn't even acknowledge him.

A week went by and she didn't say anything and Arnav kept his cool. Khushi as usual did her work and went home the whole week not staying in office.

Khushi called NK to her cabin,

“NK, I want complete information on this person."

“Who khushi mam...?" NK asked used to her orders.

“Akaash, the owner of bodyguard company in which Payal di arranged my personal guards."

“Ok Khushi mam."

“I want it as soon as possible."

With a nod, NK went...

Khushi leaned back in her seat and thought well let the information decide whether to leave Mr. Akaash alive or dead.

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