Chapter 20

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After NK went, Khushi sighed and leaned on the chair. She closed her eyes, and

As usual...

The incident came in her mind.

Khushi got up that morning a week ago and wondered how she got into her bed when she was sitting on a chair and looked around to find Arnav sleeping with his head on the bed...

He must have put me on the bed.

Instead of the usual anger, she blushed without wanting to. He must have lifted her, touched her and put her on the bed...

She knew how those hands which would've held her tightly against his arms. She knew how strong his muscles and his abs were and she knew how it must have felt felt when one hand around her waist and another around her shoulder.. She remembered the stage incident too well.

She groaned and put her face in her hands and the blush deepened. He made her feel the female side more...

He made her knees weak.. She sat up and moved slightly over to him and stared at his sleeping face without any disturbances for the first time.

She noticed the odd angle he slept as he was sitting in a chair but his head was on the bed.. His hands hugging his torso and knees slightly bent...

Her gaze lingered more on his shoulder and the parted lips and the slight stubble. 

She move her hand to push his hair away and his hair seemed softer than it looked and her wandering hand trailed down from his hair to his face..

She caressed his face wanting to feel the slight stubble there.. Imagining it against her skin... After sometime she withdrew her hand with the way her thoughts went,

What are you doing to me....?

He was the man who made her blush, who guarded her and protected her and he was the one working in Akaash's company..

Wait.... Akaash.. Her thoughts about the incident a week before were cut by the name sending deep hurt aching her heart...


God.. She hated that name.. He would die slowly and painfully if he hurt her di...

She knew the anger on him was mostly because he was going to have the most wonderful, amazingly kind person, the best thing that happened in her life and the most important person in her life.... Her di.. Payal di..

She knew everything about her sister's life. Most of the media doesn't know about her di else her enemies would attack di instead of her. That's why her di was surrounded by guards with in her di's eye range and some without her di knowing. It was an extra precaution.

No one knew her di was the single person to obtain everything she worked hard if she died. Her di was the sole heir of her money, property and everything.

She was going to keep her relationship with her di a secret to the world. No one would guess because they were not closely related.

And now.. Her di reached the age for marriage.. It had always been her fear.. She kept up to date where her di went, what things she brought?, whom she conversed with, whom she visited,...?

That's how she knew her di was having a cr.. cr.. cru... Come on damn it.. I can't even admit it to myself. Her di was having a cru.. crush on this Akaash fellow... But She knew where this crush is going.

She waited for the information NK was going to gather. If there was even a small black spot in his career or in his life, he's finished.

If not.. Then she would allow her di to decide the path which she very well knew would lead to marriage.

She sighed, she felt empty thinking about future.

What am I going to do....? She felt like breaking down. God..! She hated this.. Hated this feeling.. This helplessness, this weakness, I wish 'He' was here.....

Her di was the only person to show kindness, love on a person like her.. Her di was her mother, father, sister and had been everything to her.

Khushi felt depressed and had a strong urge to drown herself into something so she could forget about the loneliness creeping her..

So for the next three days she threw herself in work, she participated in every little work possible even it could be done without her supervision. She didn't sleep much and didn't eat much. All the while a pair of concerned, worried chocolate brown eyes watched her drowning in work.

Arnav didn't know what happened or why but he watched her destroying her health. She had dark circles under her eyes even more than before and he knew he couldn't do anything or advice her to take care because she would blow up at him the range she's working. He felt so helpless to watch and did nothing.

She didn't even listen to that NK advising her to eat properly but when NK downright blackmailed her to eat or would tell her di then those were the few times she ate something.

Ugh.. Did he mention that he hated NK very much...? Yep.. He hated him yet still he was thankful at least she listened to someone even if it was only sometimes.

She was currently working on something in her cabin, her eyes slightly red and she seemed thinner than usual. Despite her fierce attitude, she looked fragile. Like a glass. It hurt to see her like this.

She got up, took her files needed and went towards the conference room for the upcoming discussion. That was when she felt weakness and felt like drowning and the blackness going in and out in her vision.

He followed her and noticed a commotion going on in the office. He looked up to see employees gathering and whispering lightly,

“He has finally arrived."

“Sir, how was your stay at Australia..?"

“Wow, he looks handsome.."

Arnav grimaced at the female employees but noticed the incomer only had eyes on ahead. He turned to look what he was staring and then saw Khushi swaying slightly. He was going to offer help that was when she started falling all of a sudden as her legs gave out..

He rushed up to steady her and to lift her in his arms only to notice she was already in the arms of the newcomer.

The Newcomer had such concern and worry in his face as if she was the most important thing in his world. Arnav suppressed the animalistic growl wanting to escape from his throat at the new comer..

That's when Khushi's arm circled around the newcomer's neck and for the first time he saw Khushi smiling brilliantly despite her weak condition.

“Khushi..." The newcomer whispered.

She knew even before hearing him. The next most important person after her di.

Khushi snuggled in his arms and muttered finally feeling at peace.

'He' came..

“Shyam....." And fainted, losing all consciousness, welcoming the blackness she was fighting for a while.

And the rage along with jealousy, Arnav felt for the newcomer couldn't describe in words. Arnav let his hands fall and put one hand over his chest where it was hurting and aching.

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