Chapter 25

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Am I in love with Khushi kumari Gupta..?

Nah...! Of course not..

How could he love her..?

His mind must have gone mad for a while...

Yep.. That's it..

Because he would never love anyone ever..

His life goal was to remain a bachelor.

He was no way in hell had fallen inlove and that too Khushi Kumari Gupta.

Nope.. Definitely not..

He hummed a song, ignoring the bells ringing inside his head and went to his CD collection to choose a movie and watch...

He searched absentmindedly through his stack when mind was completely in denial.

After all first comes discovery of love feelings then denial then only acceptance.

Now Arnav Singh Raizada was going through the denial stage.

A title of a CD caught his attention.

I hate love stories..


He didn't know that watching this movie would change his mind.

He put on the CD and watched all the while thinking, very good hero hates being in love and there came a scene in which hero's friend asked to close his eyes and see if heroine's face appears in his mind or not.

What rubbish...!

He turned off the television in irritation and laid down...

Should I try?

Naah.. Rubbish..

Maybe... Maybe I should..

Shut up mind...

If it was rubbish and I am not in love then why not try this ridiculous method.?

Yeah.. Let's give it a try..

Arnav closed his eyes,

--..Dhak dhak..--

Khushi twirled around when they first met.

--..Dhak dhak..--

Khushi catching him to steady when he slipped..

--..Dhak dhak..--

Khushi smiling at NK., the familiar burning reared in his heart still now.

--..Dhak dhak..--

Carrying Khushi in his arms holding her close, the feel of her against him. He swallowed difficultly..

--..Dhak dhak..--

Khushi laughing and chatting with that bastard Shyam. Arnav grimaced at the memory.

--..Dhak dhak..--

And Khushi pressing up against him in the small tent. Trailing fingers on his back and him kissing her face and trailing till her neck.

Arnav gulped opening his eyes..

Oh God..

No.. No.. No..

How could I..?

Oh shit man.. He was in trouble..

He was really in love.. He was in love with Khushi.

Out of all the women in the world he fell in love with the most difficult one..

Oh my God..! What am I going to do..?

For the first time in his life, Arnav hyper ventilated. He calmed down after a while and drifted off to sleep, not knowing how to make her love him back or how to even confess his feelings.


Khushi cleaned out the wound after having a meeting with NK and went to her room inside the cabin.

She had handed most of the work to NK and went to her room to rest for a while...

She didn't go home knowing this injury would make Payal di worry unnecessarily. She already have NK, the mother hen. She shook her head and pulled out the shirt from the bag pack..

The shirt..

She groaned..

Why the hell I took this..? More like stole it.

She sighed in irrigation and laid down on the bed, hugging the shirt. She knew very well why she took this shirt. Because she wanted it.. She felt safe in his arms..

After a while, she removed her shirt and put his shirt on, blushing all the while imagining his arms around her..

Out of all the place in the world she felt safe with in his arms..

She slept while wearing it not even trying to disagree with her thoughts.


Arnav was getting ready for today's work and stared at his reflection in the mirror determinedly. Yep. He has a plan..

He remembered turning on the radio at noon when sleep evaded him yesterday..

He too was one of the callers asking for advice about how to approach your lover..

He remembered the call very well. He was at first surprised that his call got taken after fourth try.

“Hello Who's the new caller..?"

He hesitated giving his original name at mid sentence and went for,

“Ar.. Arni"

“Yes Mr. Ar Arni, what is your problem?"

Arnav asked too impatient to correct his name, “I do not know how to confess my feelings."

“Have you tried approaching directly with bunch of flowers?"

“She will kill me and throw me out of the office because she's my boss and very professional."

“Shower her with gifts.."

“She never accepts anything from others."

“Then try to engage her in small talks and make her your friend."

“She doesn't talk much with others and will sue you if you talked much.."

“What a unique girl... Tell me about your girl Mr. Ar Arni."

Arnav smiled possessively at the words... She was indeed his girl..

“She's great and cool. She doesn't talk or smile much. She will pack a punch if necessary and will kill you if you approach wrongly. She will make you shiver just with a glare.." Arnav was going to continue but was cut by the one who was speaking.

"Ok.. Ok.. Mr. Ar Arni.. She seems tough and hard to approach but there are some girls like this but there is only one method apply to these type of girls.. ”

“What..? What is it..?"


“Wait.. What...?"

“Yes, Seduce her.. It's the best solution.. And now we're going for another caller.." Saying that his call was disconnected.

Arnav pondered about it for a while and came to the conclusion that it was a good idea and this love guru person must be correct, after all why would this many people call and ask him for advice....?

Yep.. Arnav was ready for the day and the challenge that was Khushi Kumari Gupta.

He had no clue what would happen to him..

Arnav was doing the right thing in a very, very wrong way...

After all who would be foolish enough seduce the lioness..?

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