Chapter 28

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Finally Arnav singh Raizada had a chance to spend some alone time with Khushi Kumari Gupta....

Awww.. So hot and cute...

If anyone really used these sentences after knowing their alone trip to Goa he will kill them with his bare hands... And he will make them alive and will kill them again and again...



Utter disaster...

Arnav Singh Raizada has Bad luck when it comes to Khushi...

These are the sentences should be used to describe their trip.

After apologizing for lifting her and twirling like crazy man they aboard the plane in time. He was so excited and almost skipping his step while walking at the thought of spending time near by her in the flight.

Most of the check in time he daydreamed about the possibilities of sitting near her.. Caressing her.. Holding her hands in the disguise of flight fear...

Hmmm.. Arnav sighed at the possibilities to romance her... He was not himself now a days as he's most of the time dreaming about her..

He never realized and noted anything until someone informed about flight taking off..

He jerked and turned to look sideways wanting to see her and his smile froze in his face at the sight.

Because there was an Aunty sitting beside him on his right seat. He then whipped around the left side to see her but there was a old man sitting beside him.

Oh God....!

What did I do wrong..?

Where is she..?

How can she do this to me..?

He wanted to get up but he know it's useless since it seemed their seats were different.

He groaned and threw his head back in the seat. He must endure the journey silently. But he consoled himself that everything will be ok and he will get to spend time with her for three days.

How wrong was he... Everything was not ok.. Something was very wrong because Khushi remained silent throughout the journey back to hotel.

Not that she spoke much usually but she at least glare at him or say something or at least yell at some poor employees in phone. She seemed tense.

She played with her fingers which she always held confidently. Suddenly she appeared human with faults not the perfect Khushi kumari Gupta, A business tycoon. And Arnav couldn't help himself but to fall in love with her more.

This love was driving him crazy because each day his heart keeps loving her a little more and more.. It's consuming his mind enough to not to concentrate on his work.

After reaching hotel she just went without a word and not even a glance.

Ouch...! That hurt...

Why...? Just why did he have to fall in love with Khushi of all people..? He must have to be mad.

And his heart loved her more even the arrogance.

He put one hand above it and scolded it to stop hurting him with its love.

He relaxed his mind by consoling that there are still three days. He went to bed and dreamt about being with khushi in beaches and some shopping mall and may be in a club. Surely people come to place like Goa enjoys this right..?

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