Chapter 34

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Khushi don't know what to do and slumped against the chair.

Two days...

It's been two days and Arnav is avoiding her. She hated it. She hated this feeling of being ignored.

Why Arnav..?

Why are you doing this to me?

Did I do something wrong?

Arnav always paid attention to her no matter what but she can't help but feel something happened. There must have something happened else he won't avoid her.

Enough is enough..

She called Arnav to her cabin and waited for him to speak when he arrived but all he did is stare professionally at her.

Why is he doing this..?

She got up and still he stood there not doing anything but stare at her. She went and closed her cabin's door yet he still didn't react.

She purposefully arranged him to be the one to guard her today and still he is avoiding her.

“Remove your coat Mr.Raizada"

He didn't protest nor argue like a normal person does to her stupid request but obeyed like a puppet and removed his coat staring at her like a real guard.

“Why are you avoiding me?" She came straight to the point not wanting to beat around the bush.

Arnav remained silent and she dragged him to the hidden room of her cabin but he followed her in silence not protesting or speaking.

She made him sit on the bed there and looked at him.

No reaction...


“You won't even react..? Huh?"

Khushi asked him and met with silence.

“What happened..? Was your confession of love for me is a lie?"

Arnav's eyebrow twitched and she could see his fingers clenching but that was all the reaction she got.

“Hmmm... Let's see..."

Khushi moved and sat on his lap. She heard his breath hitching and chuckled silently.

Khushi felt smug knowing her proximity affected him. She tried to ignore him because of his safety and he followed her around. Now she wants him with her and he's avoiding her. She even fought with Shyaam to accept her marriage even though she had told him the complete truth of their contract relationship.

Khushi suppressed the blush knowing what is she going to do.

Khushi circled his neck with her arms and pressed herself against Arnav.


Khushi felt his hands move but still didn't touch her and remained silent.

“So... You won't react?"

Khushi asked the final time and was determined to get a reaction from him so she pressed so closely against him and caressed her cheeks against his sharp stubble loving the feeling of it piercing her cheeks and inhaled his cologne loving it..

She looked at him one last time before kissing his cheeks softly.

Still no reaction....

Khushi undid his first two buttons then nuzzled his neck.

Suddenly Arnav's hands gripped her waist in warning and his eyes glared at her. He looked as if he's going to get up..


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