Chapter 24

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Arnav knew he was going mad because how could he feel fire racing through his veins without any actual fire.?

His upper half was naked and those pale, thin fingers..

Oh those fingers were trailing over his chest and leaving behind fireworks in his skin and veins.. He could feel goosebumps rising wherever she touched unconsciously..

He closed his eyes wanting to sleep for at least some time so he could keep watch alertly. But he couldn't relax when her hands shifted around his body or her legs against his. She snuggled closely seeking warmth.

He couldn't go outside nor push her without waking her. She tangled herself with him. He could feel his need, desire, want rising and he could feel his self control slipping.

Just an inch and he could feel those skin with his lips.

No.. No.. It's not right to do this.

Why am I doing this..? I've no right..

Hmm.. Just an inch.. You could lean in and pretend to be doing unconsciously.

Nope.. Never.. He's ASR and he would not give up his control because of some whispers in his mind.

Just imagine how would it feel to..

No.. No... No.. Even if I have to, she's sleeping. I can't take advantage of her..

Oh yes.. Take advantage.. And she doesn't have to know.. She's sleeping. All the more better chance to do..

No.. No means no.. He would never do it..

Just then the whispers in his mind turned into images..

Taunting him,..

Teasing him,

Driving him mad...,

Suggesting things and...

Daring him to touch..

He squeezed his eyes shut all the while muttering in his mind,

No.. No.. I won't do it.. I won't..

The images grew clearer, intense, sinful..

No.. No.. No.. I won't do it.. No no..

No.. I wo..


Why won't I do it..? What won't I do it..

He forgot every moral and denial and control when her fingers trailed from his neck to his back very slowly in her sleep..

Yes.. Yes.. I have to do it..

He was lying stiffly beside her before and now he pulled her closer by putting a hand on her waist and leaned his face near her drinking in every detail of her face.

He put his lips on her earlobe and kissed it lightly like a feather touch.

He then kissed her right cheek slowly lifting his neck in a mesmerized manner. He applied a little pressure and inhaled her cheek.

Then trailed his lips along the jaw and then to neck and bit there lightly.

And moved upward to kiss her left eye and then the right eye. He kissed her nose and looked down at her lips..

God...! How he wanted to kiss those lips from the moment he laid eyes on them..

He leaned close but then stopped sensing her move..

He froze..

She just stirred, tossed around, pulled her hands away from him but didn't wake up thankfully.

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