Chapter 02

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Painful love.. It hurts..

Chapter 2:

New York..

His boss was inside. Being a P.A wasn't easy and that too to his boss was more difficult. He was just not a P.A but also a friend to his boss.

He started to roam around the flat owned by his boss. It would have been nicer if they stayed in a hotel at least some girls would be there. Here no one's around except some housekeepers.

It was a tiresome day. Running and fulfilling his boss's order made him tired and completely worn out. It's been a week after coming New York. He wanted to go home and relax. Yet he knew what his friend felt about going home.

He has been a friend to his boss for the some years. He was afraid at first. Then started to understand his friend a little better now.

For example his boss always come here to get away from home. He know his friend would be glad to settle here unless for the family.

And he was worried too. Because there were so many rivals and attacks even threatening the life. But he always admired the confidence and the braveness of his boss.

He was lost in the thoughts just when his phone rang. He sighed seeing the name. It was his boss.

“NK, Come to my room." And cut the call.

NK was used to hiss boss's mood swings. Anger, Tension, work load, coldness. It never was happy.

He moved to the room waiting for loads of work coming. He opened the door. The room was as usual decorated with black curtains and the wall was painted in grey. His boss's tastes never was a colorful thing.

His boss was sitting in a recliner typing something in laptop near the balcony, with a frown on her face.


She looked up at him, pushing the chair away and got up to face NK.

She was Khushi Kumari Gupta, the business tycoon in a black jean and white tops. She was beautiful. No one could deny that. The hazel eyes pierced everyone who dared to stare at them. She was the C.E.O of the KG, number one fashion designing company.

There she was looking like a lioness ready to jump upon the prey. She was charming even with those dark circles because of the past three days without sleep.

There was a little scratch on her skin which hasn't healed during these six days. Her face held something more than just being beautiful.

Was it confidence? Was it hatred for the world? or was it her thirst for victory? Else it was just a charm of being khushi?

“We have won the contract finally. There will be problems by the competed companies, inform the designing team to be careful and the designs should be innovative and also tell them to show their designs only to me. I don't want any mistake this time."

“Yes mam"

"NK" khushi glared at him.

She had told him not to call mam at least while they were not in office.

“Yes khushi ji"

She muttered "Unbelievable"

She had told him to call khushi countless times but he never listened. She never liked being with people. But NK was loyal, jovial and like a family.

“And also get the contract papers ready."

“I am on it"

Then he exited the room, leaving khushi in her deep thoughts.

Khushi turned around to admire the view of New York city. It always helped to calm her nerves.

It was like owning the world itself. She has more money for seven life's without having anything to do. She wrote her own destiny and her employee's too.

She liked being powerful. She wanted to stay here if not for the three persons whom she cared about. Her phone rang. It was her di. She smiled slightly for the first time in the week.


But she didn't speak. Khushi knew her di would do this silent treatment whenever she was angry. Khushi didn't know why she was angry now.

“Di.........  Di...........  Payal di...... Di....  
Payal di................ Talk to me.......     damn it."

“Don't di me khushi"

She never called by her name.

“Di. Please sorry whatever it is."

There was silent for few minutes. Then Payal dispoke.

"There's been an attack last week. Right? What happened? Are you really ok? Is that why you left India, to hide from me?"

Khushi didn't want her sister to get worried that's why she hid the matter. The scratches would show that she has been in an accident or may be a plan by her rivals.

“Di, you know its usual now a days."

“Khushi kumari Gupta. You've been attacked and this is not at all usual. Listen to me this time else I'll never talk to you. Fine "

“Di. Please iI know what you're gonna ask. You know I am not comfortable."

“Ok. Good. Don't talk to me ever. I am cutting the call."

She didn't cut the call but didn't speak to Khushi either. After few seconds Khushi spoke, finally giving in,

“Payal di. Please. Ok.. I'll listen whatever you say. Please talk to me di."

“I know you've bodyguards to follow you in car and guard the house but I am gonna appoint a personal bodyguard for you "


“Its for your safety. Do you think I'll let you like that?"

She didn't like being with anyone that's why she never kept a personal guard. She just have driver to ride car, sometimes she drives on her own. There were guards only at home and office. She never let anyone near her. She was never scared of these attacks.

“Payal di."

“You said you will listen. Do you want me to be with you or not?"

She knew it. Even if she declined now, Payal di would cry and make a drama. Payal di always blackmailed her emotionally.

“Ok di"


“Anything for you di"

“I am happy. Then haan. Come home. No more hiding."

“As you say di"

“Ok baby doll" her di always called her baby doll and it soothed the pain when her di called her name earlier.

“But di who told you.? Wait.."

Then she roared “NK."

Payal laughed in phone and said, “Leave poor NK. He didn't tell me baby doll. Your best friend told me"

How did he know?. Its useless arguing with these people.

NK came running and he seemed to be scared.

Khushi cut the call after biding bye to her di and said looking away from the window,

“We're going home "

NK was surprised and happy yet he didn't express that openly, not wanting to anger his boss further and went to look after the arrangements.

Khushi was in the car, on her way to airport and closed her eyes leaning back on the seat.  She was tired of all these. Living or dying, she didn't care..

She wanted a break yet she didn't want to go home. The memories would haunt her. She just wished there would be someone to take away her pain and loneliness.

She sighed thinking no one would come how much ever she wished for. It's the reality. She didn't want anyone, she is KKG. She didn't say what she feels but somewhere it hurts to think that no one can understand her.

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