Chapter 22

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Khushi was aware of every inch of her body where his was connected..

Khushi could feel the fire leaving a trial behind everywhere his skin contacted with her. She was aware of his abs and shoulder when she was pulled against him and she was hyper aware of the six pack he has where she put her hand to get support.

Was the close proximity she had with him, the reason she didn't yell at him or the burning fire inside her or else was something more that she didn't push him and give him a slap which would have been the reaction for anyone else....

Khushi took a shaky breath unable to suppress the blush and the unknown feeling with that..

Just then she regained some sense to ask him what was he doing, the hand around her waist pulled her closer if it was even possible.

Arnav didn't know why he was doing this nor he wanted to know..

He just killed The bastard Shyaam in his mind thousand times in a painful way.. How dare he...? How dare he can come and lift her then smirk at him.. Him... Smirk belonged to him only.. Wait till I see him again. Arnav loathed him more than NK which was saying something.

Arnav was sure this was bliss. God, such a soft skin and warm body for a hard and cruel person. He had a strange urge to submerge her body within his. He knew he was out of line and behaving strangely with her which was not at all professional. But he didn't care.. She brought the worst out of him.

He leaned his face near her and asked,

“Are you alright...?"


“Your health....?"

Not able to form any words Khushi just nodded her head which so happened to be near his face... Their cheeks brushed against each other and she could feel the stubble which she secretly wanted to feel from the first time she saw him..

Arnav stilled at the touch. He has to release her from his hold if not he didn't know what would he do to her..

Images displayed him doing things to her at the previous thought of his. He released her and backed a step..

Khushi came to her senses and turned away from him, not facing him, put a hand above her chest and tried to calm her heart and to gain some sense..

What the hell were you doing Khushi...?

“Why d-did you do that for...?" She intended it to be harsh but it came as a stutter.

“I thought you were going to faint again mam." Arnav replied looking innocently at her.

Innocent, my foot.... Arnav just wanted to do what was most opposite to innocent to her..

Arnav, stop it....

“O-okay" for the first time in her life Khushi ran away from something she just couldn't handle. The raging feelings in her were like a storm making her disperse in it.

Arnav chuckled inwardly and felt smug seeing her cheeks red...

Was it because he made her blush or was it because of his stubble piercing her milky skin. No matter what he was so pleased...


Arnav was not so pleased with it. This Shyaam fellow was going to stay for 5 days and then he would leave for wherever he came from for three months.

Arnav glared at the hug they shared which in his point of view was longer than necessary. He has to search about this fellow Asap..


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