Chapter 03

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Chapter 3

Payal was happy, at last her lovable sister agreed for this. She was so worried about her. Khushi was never scared of these because she had seen enough in the past. Khushi was brave but that doesn't mean her baby doll has to do everything alone.

Apart from Payal, no one really cared about khushi. After Payal's mom death everyone started to be aloof from khushi. Khushi never cared. Her baby doll changed a lot yet she remained as baby doll for her. She worked harder than anyone. Though being young, she was the head of family but still no one spoke with her except for anything necessary. She  shook her head trying to not go through the past memories.

Payal doesn't work because Khushi insisted because of her safety as Payal was a shareholder of KG company. Payal decided to go to the bodyguard company in personal. There were guards to guard the house and also her too but she wanted the best for her sister.

These guards were from GR company. They're good too but they failed in protecting her twice. Just when she reached the car, the head of the guards came near her.

“Ms. Gupta, where are you going?"

Payal was irritated and also didn't know how to tell that she's gonna meet another bodyguard company.

“I am going out somewhere alone for a while. And I don't need guards."

These two sisters were strange. Guarding them wasn't easy at all. Aman being a head of guards was trying hard to do his job. If he didn't allow her, she would make a drama. If he allowed her, Khushi mam would kill him literally. Choosing the least harm option was better.

“Ms. Gupta please cooperate. Khushi mam said NEVER to leave you alone"

“Aman...." She glared angrily.

“Ms. Gupta, khushi mam already informed about this. So we're coming too."

“Do you know where I am going?" She looked at him slightly taken aback.

Aman knew they had failed in protecting Khushi mam twice but that's all due to  Khushi mam's stubborn behavior. She mostly drives alone and he with his team were signed to protect her family alone. No one knew this that the first priority was to protect the family rather than Khushi mam. He knew how much Khushi mam cared about her family. Khushi mam has explained him about few hours ago that Payal would hire some guards and to let Payal do whatever she liked but have to guard her.

Aman nodded. Payal knew her baby doll should have informed them and always tried to protect Payal even though no one harmed Payal. This time she would protect her baby doll.

She already got the appointment for meeting. She sat in car while Aman drove. These two bodyguard companies were the competitors in market. Aman didn't want any conflicts so he waited in the guest area after parking the car, eyes following Payal mam all the way.

Payal knocked the cabin before entering. Akaash looked up and was soon mesmerized by the beauty in front of him. She looked beautiful and more over innocent to the world.

Akaash forgot what to do for few seconds. Then Payal cleared her throat seeing him lost in something. What she didn't know that he was lost in her. Akash came to reality hiding his embarrassment for staring at her.

“Please sit mam."

After she sat, she told him “I have an appointment with you regarding the hiring of personal bodyguard."

Akaash's immediate thought was I will guard you if it's you.

Akaash was surprised by his own thoughts. Akaash berated himself to concentrate what she's saying after all this is client.

“And you're..?"

“Payal Gupta"

“Ms. Gupta, guards for whom? You?"


“Ms. Gupta"

“You can call me Payal. And it's for my sister, Khushi.. Khushi kumari Gupta"

“The owner of KG company?"


"She already have guards I guess"

“Yes, but they are for family and in office. I want personal guards to be with her all the time."

“As far as I know you already had hired GR guards."

“Yep. But I want the best for my sister" Payal said slightly worried whether he'll decline or accept. It's not easy to hire both competing companies to work for one person.

Looking the frowns on Payal's forehead Akaash couldn't help but to think of her as cute.

He felt like he can do anything for her. Just hiring guards was a lot easier one.

He nodded with a little smile. But Payal didn't,



“Akaash you've to understand. There's already been many attacks like rivals in the industries, personal and family rivals, medias... You've to hire best. Please.. I want her safe."

"I can understand the situation Payal. I'll do my best."

“Thanks. You can discuss further about payment and all with my sister"

She turned to leave. She was thinking of when would she see him again.

God! What was she thinking? Why she wanted him to call Payal? While she was wondering about her confused feelings, Akaash was debating whether to ask her number or not.

Now or never Akaash, he encouraged himself.

“Payal. Can I know your number?"

Payal raised an eyebrow after turning towards him,

Akash muttered, losing the courage, “just in case to discuss anything"

Payal gave her number and was smiling while she turned to go out where Aman waited for her.

Akaash patted himself for his braveness..

Wow.. That was easy. I should do whatever she wished for.. She wanted the best.. No doubt about whom he's gonna hire..

He laughed thinking,

Poor ASR.. What should I do? He never gets a break. Oops I never allow him to get a break. But what should I do? Anything for that girl.............

He leaned back, thinking about how beautifully she smiled when he agreed for this contract and how her cheeks coloured up lightly when he asked her number.

He never had a girlfriend before. He thought why not now?..

His lips twisted into a joyous smile..

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