chapter 3

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Here is chapter 3 everyone!
And Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Allen pov.
I use my ark to make a door It took 15 seconds to make since I never been there before...okay done.But before I leave I need a hood so I could cover my head.I am not afraid of people judgeing on my looks but It could be fun to mess around with them at least.

I walk in the ark door and see a purple head look a like clown.

"Hello are you mephisto pheles sir?"

Mephisto:"yes and if I'm correct your Allen neah walker am I right?"

"Yes sir."

Mephisto:"let me guess your here to look around before you become a actual student here at true cross academy?"

"Yes your're right...may I sir pheles?"

Mephisto:"sure go right ahead my boy and look around and please call me mephisto."

"Alright thank you mephisto."

Mephisto pov.

When mr.walker left I have to say he looks mysterious,he has a hood to cover his face.I wounder what his face looks like...maybe amaimon will figure It out.

Allen pov.
When I walk out of mephisto office I started to walked around outside first.

*Time skip*

Wow I have to say for humans they make beautiful Lane skape....even If It took me about 29 minutes to find my way outside .... *Sigh* I will never get better on directions do I ......while I was walking around I found a girl with short blonde hair,short height,and she seems nice...oh she is shiemi moriyama...I decided to walk infront of her and say hi.

"Um...Hi I'm new here and maybe could you please show me around?"

She looked up to me and got scared a little...maybe because I'm still wearing my hood up.

"Um could you please?"

Shiemi:"oh um...sure I guess my name is shiemi moriyama but you could call me shiemi if you want."

"I'm Allen neah walker nice to meet you and you could call me allen shiemi."

After a while of talking and showing me around,stupid human even blushed a little when she doesn't even know what my face looked like hahah!but who cares kanda blushed is cuter than hers anyway.

*Mean while*

Kanda:" *Aucho*"

Devit:"are you sure is Allen?"

Jasdero:"or is that you are sick kanda."

Kanda:"no I know It is moyashi I am not wrong."

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