chapter 11

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Any way before we start in this book I ship rin x yukio so in this book also have this ship as well.
Here is chapter 11!

Allen pov.
Rin went up to his room while yukio is still staring at me.

Yukio:".....I have to go upstairs to grade a couple of tests....goodnight Allen."


Yukio started to walk upstairs.I still am standing here doing nothing.After a while I went towards my room.

A:'I'll decorate my room later goodnight neah.'

N:'Goodnight Allen sweet dreams.'

Rin pov.
I went towards our room and waited for yukio.After a while he came in and sat down next to me.He put his head on legs and lieyed down for a while.

"You okay there yukio?"

Yukio:"Yeah I'm just tired thats all nii-san."

I decided to play with his hair since he will be like that for a while.He looked up to me,stand up ,and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.I looked at him and he gave me a smirk while getting fuly up.

" *Mumble* tease"

Yukio:" *smirk* what was that nii-san."

He walk up to me close to my face.


I pulled his tie and smashed my lips on his.He kissed back....after a while I pulled back he wined for a little by the loss.

"Come on yukio It's time to go to sleep."

Yukio:" *sigh* alright."

I went under the covers with yukio by my side.I rest my head at his chest with yukio arms around me.

"I love you yukio."

Yukio:"I love you too rin."

Then we feel asleep.

Sorry if It was short.

Words counting:

D gray man crossover Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now