chapter 15

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Allen pov.

A tick mark appear on my forehead.

"well I'm not sure I am lucky oh dear cousin of mine,and don't call me bean sprout."

tyki:"fine what about cheater then."

"For your information I'm not a cheater I'm jut better than you is all."

tyki:"really you want to test that out."

"sure let's play th-"

I was cut out by yukio.

yukio:"wait you two are related?"

"sorry yukio-kun if I didn't tell you,he is my cousin,but I didn't know you will be coming over tyki?"

tyki:"well...uncle said it's a good idea to come here by surprise for you."

"....he never inform me by this....tell me the real reason why you came?"

tyki:"fine to tell you the truth sheril beg uncle to let me come to take care of you since he said you are still young and all so I'm here to watch over you."

".....of course he will."

yukio and the whole class is looking at us back and forth from me and tyki.

yukio:" could you continue with your class now."

tyki:"Alright now class follow me towards our other classroom to summon your familiar now."

we all walk towards the next classroom to summon now.When I walk in the room there is enough space around to summon. 

tyki:"now everyone stand in a circle,now does everyone have there paper to summon?"

Everyone pulls out there own except rin since he said he already have a familiar he said.If I'm correct kuro was rin and yukio adopted father familiar.

tyki:"Alright we'll do this one at a time,okay first person will be how about cheater then.Since you already have your's familiars already."


tyki:"yeah yeah."

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