chapter 9

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Here is chapter 9 everyone!

Allen pov.

I made an ark somewere near the place were the satan twins live but as well as me now on.After a while I open the door I am liveing.When I opened the door I see in and yukio there.Rin is inside the kichen cooking while yukio is gradeing tests or something.I close the door and he two twins look up at me.

Rin:"Allen glad your  back dinner almost ready!"

yukio:"Allen you okay?Back at the school you were in a hurry there.Is everything alright now?"

"Ah yes everything is alright now don't worry yukio-kun."

yukio:"If you say so."

"So yukio which room will I be staying in at?"

yukio:"You could pick which ever room you want since we three live alone at this building now."

"Alright then I'll stay across the hall were your room is at."

yukio:"Alright I'll make a note on that."

Rin:"Dinner is ready!"

When I heard rin said dinner is ready my stomach growled loud.Both twins looked at me.I felt a little blush of embarrasment.

"um...sorry I guessed I haven't eaten for a little while..."

Rin:"Well its alright glad I made a lot today since we have you now."

"yeah can we eat now please?"

Rin:"Sure come on."

*Time skip*

Later both twins looked at me shocked on how much I eaten.I mean I at least got about 10 dish full of food...that was least meals I ate so a new record for me.

"yeah I should have told you I don't weight when I eat a lot and I have a habit When I eat a lot as well."

Rin:"Wow I never meet someone who could eat that much!"

"heh well now you do."

yukio:"When did you have the habit to eat that much?"

"I think When I was little about 10 or 11years old I was."

Rin:"um...sorry to ask this but why do you cover your face allen-kun?"

yukio:"Nii-san is not nice to ask someo-"

"No yukio it's alright I have to show my face sometimes right?"

N:'try to act hurt allen or a little scared.'


"um...yukio...rin....please don't get scared when you look at me...and please don't run away as well...please."

Rin:"we won't be scared or run away from you allen-kun,what ever it is we will still be Friends allen."

yukio:"what ever it is we won't make fun of you."

N:'you should be a actor allen really your good at acting they even belive your scared,your uncle is very proud of you.'

A:'Thank you uncle.'

I took off my hood and the twins looked shocked.


Words counting:


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