chapter 18

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Rin pov.

yukio:"I don't trust those two demons."

I was taken by surprise.

"Why do you not trust them? They seem nice and if allen trust them to be around him and not to hurt people around them."

Yukio:"I do not know,I just have a bad feeling is all."

I went up towards yukio grab his face pull it towards me were are lips are close enough to kiss.

"well could you at least get to know allen and his familiars first,and if you kept getting a bad feeling about them then we will figure it out."

Yukio put his arms around my waist and to pull me close to his chest.

yukio:"Alright I'll get to know them just for you."

"Thank you"

With that yukio pulls me closer and our lips meet,I moan when he started to grab my ass.I hook my arms around his neck and we kept kissing until yukio stomach growl.I laugh a little on how embarrassed he looks like right now.

"Maybe we should go eat now yukio."

Yukio:"yeah maybe we should go and eat."

sorry if its short.

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