chapter 26

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Yukio pov.

Rin:" *mumble wisper* baka...."

Did I just heard my rin just said baka, did I just do something to offend him... he did said if I remember what today is, was is something important for him. I know it's not a birthday today, or a holiday, or maybe today is a..... shit.... TODAY IS OUR ANERVERSITY FOR 1 YEAR OF DATING! I look back at rin and finally notice how sad he look right now. Oh I need to fix this now... I could buy flowers right now but I can't leave rin here by himself. I look around and found a icecream store and a couple stores to the right there is a flowers shop here as well. I turned around and ask rin....

" Hey rin do you want ice cream, there is one over there."

Rin look up to my eyes and said...

Rin:" Sure yukio I would love some, do you know what my favorite ice cream is?"

" How can I not know what my lover favorite ice cream is."

Rin look a little sad but put up his fake mask and then he smile up to me.

" Well I hope my lover does knows then, I will be over there at that bench so I will be waiting for you."

I smiled at him, I feel so guilty that I forgot our anerversity but I will promise I will make it up, I went up to him and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

" You do know I love you right?"

He blush a little but slowly nodded his head...

Rin:" Yep and I love you too yukio."

I gave him a other peck on his cheek and went off to buy ice cream and also buy flowers for my lovely rin.

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