chapter 4

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Here is chapter 4 everyone!

Allen pov.
When shiemi was done she told me

Shiemi:"um...Allen do you want to become...friends with me?"

N:'she seems nervious...oh yeah I forgot she doesn't have that much friends...we could use her allen.'

'yeah your right'

"Sure why not...but don't you feel...a little scared since I'm not showing my face."

N:'great acting Allen!'

'thanks neah'

Shiemi:"It is alright really you'll show me your face soon right?"

"Yeah maybe."

Shiemi:"Well I'll are you later Allen...bye!"

After that she ran off.

Shiemi pov.
Allen seemed nice...I'm glad that I made a friend today yay!...I hope he is in my class then we will be able to hangout...then maybe allen might ask me out...wait what no I like yukio!only yukio!....he might already have a girlfriend...but what if he doesn't no I can't!I like I?... *Sigh* class is about to start.

Allen pov.

I was walking until...

N:'she seems nice Allen...are you going to ask her out?'

I stop walking and I could even feel a dark auora around me...

'what was that...neah,neah,neah if you were ever in a noah body now I will beat the living sh*t put of you!why would I even date a human girl!when kanda is much more better than her!I'll never date anyone exept kanda!My only love of my life!you got that uncle....'

N:'yes....sorry I was only playing with you Allen seriously now I understand by kanda to you.'

' I am done looking around I have to say this seems like a rich school instead neah.'

N:'of course they need the best exorcist to take every demon for them Allen'

'well why do you think I'm here for uncle.'

N:'i know I know now let's go eat back home so we could eat then sleep.'

'eat!oh yeah I haven't eaten yet thank do reminding me neah!'

I open a Ark door at a dead end valley so no one could see.

D gray man crossover Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now