chapter 8

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Here is chapter 8!

Allen pov.
I ran off outside....while I ran outside I'm trying to find a hideout were I'm able to wait for road to open her doors.Later I found one and waited....then about 5 minutes a heart look a like door open with road comeing out.She looked up to me and smilled with a comeing hug.

Road:"Allen-kun! I missed you so much!Am I allowed to come with you now can I can I!"

"Road you can't we didn't do the summoning familiar thing yet.I think tomorrow we will do It or next week but we'll make a fake summoning circle were you and kanda come as dolls.But I will tell them that you two are already are my familiars for the past 5 years.So now we just have to wait for my kanda."

Road:"If I remember yuu said he'll be here tomorrow since they finish the mission a couple of minutes ago."

"Yay I could see kanda again!yay! I know how you feel road when you see me."

Road:"yep come on let's go."

We both went inside then walk to the table were we are having a family meeting for me to explain what I learn.

*Time skip*

Earl:"so allen-kun what did you learn today at class?"

"Well mostly by telling which kind of demon are leveled by.... that's all se learned nothing interesting today...but the satan twins do fight all the time even when their relationship is a secret."

N:'just like you and kanda relationship.'

Earl:"okay allen-kun keep up the work okay."

"Alright well bye-"

Road:"Allen!aren't you going to tell him about me and kanda."

"Oh yeah uncle one of my classes have a summoning demons as their familiars,could road and yuu come as their dolls forms as my familiars please uncle."

Earl:"alright but don't make that much trouble alright."


"Okay uncle your the best."

Road:"yay I can't wait!"

"Road tell kanda later when he comes,the one way to tell is that you guys are getting summon is were a red mark is under you two.Now I have to go before the Satán twins gets suspecies,bye!"

Road:"okay and bye allen!"

Noah family:"bye Allen!"

A:'we have a nice family don't we neah.'

N:'we sure do allen.'

A:'okay let's go back to the room so I could put the Ark somewere.'


Words counting:

D gray man crossover Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now