Chapter 10

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Here is chapter 10 eveyone I hope you like it!

Rin pov.

When allen too off his hood I was shocked,his hair is kinda long,but his hair is like pure snow White color,he has silver eyes that I thought he was blind for a second there,pale skin that resimble to a ghost for me,and is...that...a scar....or a tatoo across his half down face.

yuio pov.

When allen took off his hood shock I mean look at his hair,his eyes, that...scar....I could tell rin is surprise as well as me.

allen pov.

"Are you two okay?"

N:'There shock allen ha ha their shock!'

A:'I know neah I know.'

Rin:"Yeah hey allen what happen to that scar or is it a tatoo?"

yukio pov.

Allen:"It s a scar."

Allen move some of his banges and we see all of his that a pentagram demon star.I know he didn't got it in  a acident since how can a acident make a star shape on his forehead.I have to find out.

Rin:"Cool how do you get a scar like that!?"

I could see nii-san eyes glittering through his eyes.Allen seems uncummfable a little.

Allen:"Well...I don't feel comfertable to tell...what happens."

Rin:"It's alright but that scar looks cool."


Allen pov.


N:'hey allen that yukio guy is having a bad vide a while ago.'

A:'I know I sense it a while ago as well,I think he knows it is a demon scar...damn those exorcist.'

N:'We have to think of a lie about the scar allen if you could tell them about a demon cursed you,that's why your hair is white as well as your eyes and that your now a half demon.'


Yukio:"Allen did you dye your hair?"

"Yukio rin I'll tell you how I have the scar and white hair to the whole that okay?"

Yukio:"....Yeah that's okay."

N:'He's on to us allen....could we kill him?'

A:'No neah even If I want to we can't.'

N:'awww why?'

A:'well if we kill him people would notice he is missing.And rin is a Satán pawn,so people might think rin did It or me since we live with him and I'll tell them a little lie that I'm a half demon thanks to the 'demon' gave me the scar.'

N:'So we can't kill him.'

I face palled myself but the twins were looking at me.

"Sorry I was thinking on something sorry."

Rin:"It's alright Allen...It's getting late so good night."

Rin went up to his room while yukio is still staring at me."

Words counting:

D gray man crossover Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now