chapter 14

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OMG I am so so so sorry sorry!

anyway here is chapter 14.again I am really sorry everyone for keeping you all waiting.I just been busy then ever since all of this highschool stuff for next year and uhh!Any way here it is.

Allen pov.

yukio:"Now you already know what will happen when they do not accept you,now lets move the desks so there is enough space to summon."

N:'did not that girl with short eyesbrows happen to her with her familiars on what we read...'

A:'yeah it is her.'

yuko is passing the familiars paper,he gave me one then went towards shima.

I grab the paper and rip it under my table I am sitting at.

Yukio:"Now your class teacher for this time is on vacation so we have a sub teacher,met mr.tyki."

N:'did he just say...'

A:'yes he did neah yes he did...'

Then a guy walk in with his tuxido,weiring a top hat,taller than anyone here,and for my example he mostly looks like a rich victoria guy.

tyki:"hello everyone I am tyki and I'll be your sub teacher for familiars class now does anyone have question before we move on."

Then bon raised his hand...

tyki:"yes mr...?"

bon:"suguro ryuji."

tyki:"yes mr.suguro what is your question."

bon:"yes mr.tyki what kind of demon is your familiar?"

Tyki:"my familiar is..."

tyki took off his hat and a beautiful black dark purple butterfly came out.

shima:"ahh a b-b-bug!"


izumo:"pfft a butterfly."

shiemi & konekomaru:"It's pretty"

tyki:"they are called tease (or teez) but don't judge on what they look like kids,these are powerful then they look,for an example they eat humans for energy and to survive."

The whole class as well as yukio exept allen:"WHAT!!"

tyki:"yes that is true and it could multipy by itself more than 10 times,these demons are rare they don't have facts about them in books as well if any of you wanted to learn more about them ask me alright."

Izumo then raised her hand...

tyki:"yes mrs..."

izumo:"izumo kamiki."

tyki:"yes mrs.kamiki what is your question."

izumo:"does it still eat humans even when its your familiar and as well multiply?"

tyki:"yes is still does but I still keep the multiply ones as well."

the classroom all looked worry and scared at the moment again exept allen.

tyki:"Don't worry its under my control kids."

The classroom exept allen are slightly still scared at it even bon as well.Until the butterfly took off and landed at allen shoulder.

tyki:"'s took a like towards you bean sprout."

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