chapter 24

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Author:Sorry I could not think of a fight right now so again sorry.

shiemi pov.

That fight...It was so fast I can't see were they where but just a blur comes then a another blur. I never knew allen could be so fast and strong.

Allen:"You gotten better road, keep practicing then one day you might win someday."

road:" You only won beacuse I couldn't use all of my power."

That was only half of it! and allen looked like he could do better. I don't think I have the courge now to ask him out.

Allen:"hey where is kanda?"

Rin:" oh, yukio and kanda are over there challening on themself to see who could cut or shot the most, heh I could tell yukio is getting tired already."

Allen:" Kanda isn't even tired yet, her rin how long where they doing this ?"

Rin:"... I think about 15 minutes or more since you and road started to fight."

That is it I'm going to tell him.

" h-hey all-"

I was about to tell him until road cut me of.

Road:" Hey allen-kun I think you should go over with kanda, I think they are almost done."

Allen:"Alright, but shiemi weren't you about to say something ?"


I could see road giving me a glare, to tell the truth I was scared when she gave me that glare of death.

" I-It's nothing don't worry about it, go to kanda me might need you."

He gave me a smile before he ran off to kanda. Allen said something to kanda while smirking, kanda blush a little.

Road:" Hey moriyama right?"

"oh you can call me shi-"

Road:" How about no."

This...This demon! She thinks she is better than me! I looked around hoping for someone to hear but no. Rin and yukio are talking as well as allen and kanda.

Road:" I know your trying to win allen heart with your cuteness, but sorry to break it to you but he won't, and I will make sure he doesn't."

"heh you really think he won't fall in love with me, I mean all cute boys loves cute girls, so I know he will."

Road:" I already have someone after kanda now I'm adding you to my list to kill. So if I were you, you should give up."

" But if you kill me allen would be so sad as well as yukio and rin who I already win their heart."

Road:" heh I'll rethink that if I were you bitch."  (A/N: Sorry for the cuss Word.)

This demon....

"*che* we'll see, I'll win allen heart as well as yukio and rin again."

With that I walk towards allen...

"Hey allen w-would you like to take a walk around again and maybe go out to eat somewere."

Allen:" Sorry shiemi, i promise kanda to show him around town."

Road:"You and kanda should go take a shower then go around town, oh and allen your package  is in your room."

Allen:" Really thank you road you're the best!"

A package...what package, oh is it for me?"


I ran towards to allen, he put his hands behind his back and smiled towards me.

Allen:" Hey love."

" l-love?"

I blushed when he said that to me.

Allen:" Yeah i-if you let me call you that..."

" NO no I like it."

He smiled, he then gave me a small box.

Allen:" *blush* This is for you."

I grab the box and open it, I gasp. It is a beautiful ring cover with beautiful gems.

Allen:" Shiemi, even though I just met you I couldn't hold my feelings anymore, I love you shiemi, you are the only person in my life I care for, so I am asking you, will you be my girlfriend?"

" What about kanda and road?"

Allen:" I don't care about them! I only care about is you!"

He pull me closed to his chest.

Allen:" I only love you."

*Daydream end*

Rin:"Hey shiemi, you okay? You have been staring of at space."

" huh? where is allen?"

Rin:" He left with kanda to shower and road is somewere."


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