chapter 21

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Allen pov.

N:'Hey allen,are you going to explain the class about the hair and the scar or the lie about the being a half demon?'

'yes I even told yukio I will do it today.

N:'Oh okay,be careful allen.'

*time skip*

When I walk in I see road in the back of the room.Road got off of the desk she was sitting on and walk up to me,then she transform in her doll form and sit next to my other shoulder.

Yukio:"Now class allen want to sy something so pay attention."

I walk up towards the front of the classroom.

"um...I know you guys are curious about my hair and my red scar,since its not normal for someone to have pure White hair and a good shape of a scar.So I am here to answer some questions if you all want to find out how I got it."

Then shiemi raise her hand...

"yes shiemi."

I smilled at her and then she started to blush a little...

Shiemi:"um...w-why is y-your hair in that angel color White?"

" hair is related to my scar as well so I will tell you all,you see I didn't actually have white hair or silver eyes...and no I did not have hair dye and contact lenses either.So it all started after 3 years of knowing my adoptive father he had died,since my birth parents abandoned me at birth because of all of my left arm.My adoptive father name is mana,I met him at a Young age in a circus were we both work for a while,then we both left the circus to explore the world.Then after three years he died,I was depressed.Then a fat person with a tall top hat and a weird smile face show up.He told me he could bring mana back to life.I was still in a Young age I did not know he is a demon,but then I still accept it-."

Rin:"Isn't that imposible for a demon to bring back the dead? Or is it?"

Yukio:"Well...I actually don't know nii-san,I never heard of a demon could do that,but a demon could posses a human not brought back to life."

"Well yukio and rin if you could stay silent and let me finish you'll know your answer,so since I was a child I agree to it with out hesitation.He brought a skeleton,then he told me scream his name.So I did scream his name,then the next second a flash came so I have to cover my eyes.I look up,it was still in a skeleton but his voice sounded like mana.Then the fat guy told it,my precious akuma kill this boy infront of you and wear his skin.I was scared but mana looks like he is forcing himself to stop.Then he is scream to me why I brought him back and many more until...he raise his hand,I try to move but I was scared to death,the next thing I new he yelled "I cursed you allen Walker!" after he said that he cut my face-"

I was cut off by shiemi who hug me,she looked like she is about to cry.I hugged her back while I am patting her head.I could feel someone glaring behind my back,I know its kanda,sigh I love to make my omega jelouse at times,even though I just want to turn around and hug kanda saying he is my world,but I can't since everybody is here.

N:'You were so close to tell everyone your a half demon.'

'yep close'

(a/n:"I am a idiot readers,it took me a while to now understand weir is a low dam built across a river not to wear clothes.Since I thought weir ment wear... ~_~  I am horrible at my english since my native language is spanish not english.So I am sorry if a couple of my chapters says weir,it was supose to ment wear.But I will fix it later when I am completed this book.)

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