chapter 17

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allen pov.

tyki:"yeah even though I'm taller than other people here in this room.Yeah you didn't see me."

Road went up towards tyki and gave him a hug.

road:"I'm sorry tyki I really didn't see you there,I was just focus on allen and the other humans as well."

tyki hug her back while patting her head.

tyki:"It's alright road I was only messing around.

road:"Yay! tyki forgave me!"

yukio:"Allen-kun what kinds of demons are they?"

N:'oh he is curious'

road:"hello humans I am road demon of dreams."

kanda:" *che* demon of tragedy."

I hear rin mumble dreams,tragedy,and close to satan.

yukio:"Are they really close to satan powers?"

Kanda:"Have you not been paying attention we already said it  four-eyes."

"again yes they are."

yukio stay silent for a sec,while the students are still in battle mode and watching.

Rin pov.

yukio:"Alright so since our little surprise class is over,now off to lunch everyone."

Everybody started to pack up,there was a another pop,I looked over and found road and kanda in there dolls form sitting on allen shoulders.

road:"hey,hey,hey allen could we go to the ice cream shop here at true cross,I want to try it."

allen:"road you do know how much it is to buy one dish here right."

kanda:"I want soda,do they have any here?"

allen:"yes but again lots of money."

road:"then why can't you use neah money,or uncle money,or any of our family members,you know they are rich right."

wait did I heard her say our family members....heh I guess allen thinks his familiars as family...that's nice,I am just happy he does't thinks demons as weapons at least.

Allen:"Alright alright while we go get ice cream we could grab soda for kanda as well."

kanda:"It better be good or I'm just wasting my time with you for nothing."

allen:"ahh you hurt my feelings bakanda."

Didn't allen said bakanda before....oh now I get it heh thats clever.

Kanda:"shut up lets go."

Then they went out,after a while everybody left exept me and yukio.         

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