chapter 25

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Shiemi pov.

" oh "

Damn it now how am I going to steal allen heart now! Wait rin is here, I could try to steal his heart!

"hey rin do y-you want to go out and eat some where?"

He have to say yes!

Rin:" Oh I'm sorry shiemi I promise yukio I could spend time with him as brother to brother."

Damn it!

"Can I go with you?"

Rin:" Sorry shiemi again no I'm spending time with yukio today."


Yukio:"Come on nii-san let's go."

Rin:"okay, bye shiemi."


Then run and yukio left walking out. While I'm still standing here rethinking on what just happen.

"H-how can he say no!"

Rin pov.

Yukio:" I feel bad for not inviting shiemi, maybe we should ask her if she wants too?"

Wait...wait did he forgot...wait he probably did...

"Why did you forgot what day it is?"

Oh please tell me he didn't forgot.

Yukio:"What do you mean? Nothing is happening today except the date were going right now."

.....He forgot it is our 1 anniversary.... 

"Don't worry, just forget it... it's nothing important....let's go."

I can feel tears coming to my eyes, I blink hard to not let any tears to come out. I didn't look at yukio or took his hand while we are walking.

"*mumble wisper* baka."

D gray man crossover Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now