Chapter 31

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Allen pov.

'Did I just hear what I think I heard?' Noah ask.

'....a baby...a child for us...'

"Allen! Are you listening to me?! Do you want to have a child with your love of your life or not?' Noah ask yelling at Allen for not listening,

'Yes! I just never though Kanda would ever want a child with me...'

'If I ever do have a body I would slap you! Kanda is a omega, they have the urge and dream to want to have a child with their alpha. You know, you are really dense for an alpha my nephew.'

'Hey! It really isn't my fault, someone took the book about alpha's when I went to a mission. And when I came back it was not right there anymore.'

'Then why didn't you ask for another book? Or ask any alpha's family members we have? Like lulu bell? Tyki? Or-'

'Alright! I get it I had made a huge mistake.'

'Yeah and you should answer to your omega. Poor thing almost look like he is about to cry.'

I came into a realization that I had not answer my lover question. Kanda whimpers softly and looked away from my eyes.

"Never mind... you're not ready to have a child with me... since you are still busy with missions...I shouldn't have never ask you, I'm sorry." Kanda was about to get off my stomach and about to leave.

I quickly sat up and put Kanda on my lap as I put my head against his neck. And started to purr and kiss his neck once.

"A-Allen!" Kanda yelled in surprise when he suddenly got removed from his stomach to now to his lap.

No one pov.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that. Yes, I do want a child with you. The love of my life. Oh, I'm so happy-"

Allen kept on mumbling while purring happy against his Kanda neck. Without realizing the effects he is making towards Kanda.

While Kanda looks like a sweet rest tomato. And just rethinking on what just happen.

" I love you~" Allen said in his mumbling.

That stop Kanda thoughts, his heart fill up with love and adoration. He wrap his arms around Allen neck and rest his head on top of his head then said back.

" I love you too~"

Allen had stop and look up to met his Kanda eyes, His eyes held the same look as his lover has. Love, adoration, fondness, and many more.  He reach over and pulled Kanda for a kiss, which in return Kanda kiss back. They both pull back and happy snuggle where they are and fell asleep. Both dreaming about a child that have both their looks and playing around in a grass field full of flowers. Both waiting for that day to happen.

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