chapter 13

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Here is chapter 13 everyone!

Allen pov.

I use the ark to get there faster and I did...but only 3 minutes late that's all.I open up the door then everyone eyes were set on me.Some eyes were wide,some gasp,and some still open their mouth not closeing It.

"Hey do you know It's not fun to stare at someone."

I just walk back to weir I seat that is in the back corner.

Yukio:"um...yeah now everybody open your text books to page 41 about familiars,you'll all summon one today after class."

N:'hey Allen do you still have the fake summoning paper to fake summon kanda and road?'

A:'yeah I have it.'

N:'alright just make sure you don't bounce on to kanda when you see him.'

A:'alright I'll try not hug him or kiss him when I see him.'


A:'Hey!you can't blame me for not seeing him for a couple of days.'

N:'you act like a puppy who finally found is master.'

A:'correction your wrong kanda is the submissive puppy and I'm the dominate máster.'

N:'I.... didn't mean....that way...'

A:'.....well now you know.'

N:'yeah...wait I thought kanda was the top not bottom.'

A:'well you guess wrong.'

N:'people are still staring at you allen.'

A:'I'm use to it.'

N:'yeah for like the past 313 years.'

A:'yeah you can't blame me this is what my future desided for me to look like.'

Sorry if It is short

Words counting:

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