chapter 28

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Rin pov.

When yukio left to go get something I walk down towards the bench to go sit down. 

'Yukio seems to forget it's our anniversary... maybe he did, after all he does forget stuff when he is really busy. And when he does remember he kept asking for forgiveness and buys chocolate candy, roses, cute bears holding a heart that said I love you. Or he take me out on a date. It's so cute when he does that. Maybe I should forgive-'

??:" Hello."

I was cut off by thought when someone said hello, I look up and see a girl about 15-17 year old. She has light blonde hair with bright blue eyes with a good figure that every girl would want and every boy to go ask her out. Well not me since I'm gay for yukio only.

"Um hello?"

She went and sat down next to me way too close and she put  her face way to close towards mine face. I try to move away from this stranger but she kept coming towards me every time I try to move. I then started to feel uncomfortable around this person, the next thing she try to do shock me. She went up towards me and took the chance to kiss me. I feel disgusted so I push her away and stand up, I was about to yell at her until I see yukio holding roses, I froze from that spot.

' He-he did brought flowers for me... oh god did he see her kiss me. Oh no me might think I kiss her.'

The girl stop and look over where I am looking at, yukio started to walk up towards us.

yukio:" Hello sorry to ruined your moment but I have to take my older brother back home."

??:" Really aww, well bye rin, here is my phone number bye."

Wait how does she knows my name!? I just met her and she knows my name, I don't even know hers at all.

She grab a pen and paper from her purse and wrote down her number onto it, she handed to me and walk away. I couldn't do anything at all, I just stood there holding her phone number that stranger have gave to me. I then turned around and face yukio... 'shit I was right he did went and brought flowers for me' I quickly burn the paper with my blue flames.

Then I see something behind yukio, I turned my head a little and notice someone had drop icecream on the floor. I look at one of yukio hands and there where still melted icecream on it's hands.

' I messed up, he does care about me...'

I felt tears going down my face, I couldn't hold them anymore... I made yukio feel heart broken because of me... damn this demon hormones I have. I need to tell him she kissed me. " Yukio s-she-"

I was cut off when yukio put his hands on both sides of my head and wipe away the tears falling down with his thumbs. I look straight at his eyes with confusion... 'he doesn't look angry at me, why?'

Yukio:" Shhh there there rin, I'm not mad okay. She kissed you first not you, okay I seen it happen so don't get sad on me my demon."

"B-but I still k-"

I was cut off again, but this time I felt lips against mine own. The feeling didn't felt wrong like how the stranger had kiss me. But it felt more right than anything in the world, I kissed him back with my arms around his neck. It lasted for a while until yukio pull back and said.

yukio:" Don't worry okay, all I regret is not shooting her right there. Putting her nasty lips against something that is mine. I love you rin and only you okay."

' Oh god, I love him so much. I could feel his love from his words and eyes when he is only speaking to me and only me.'

Yukio put the roses onto my hands and said...

yukio:" Happy anniversary rin, I love you so much and I'm sorry I almost forgot our special day."

I put my arms around his neck and kiss him again "I love you too, and never forget that."

He put his arms around my waist.

Yukio:" Well shall we go now my love and continue walking around?"

"Yeah I'll like that. "

We then started walking around the park hand in hand enjoying our view.

D gray man crossover Blue ExorcistWhere stories live. Discover now