Chapter 16

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here is chapter 16

Allen pov.

I went up inside the circle grab my fake summon paper.I pull of one of my gloves that show the one without the black marks and cross.I bite my thumb then spread it on the paper.

"I summon the demons close to satan powers himself of dreams and tragedy upon to my call now come at once!"

Then a bright white light came,I open up my hands in seconds two dolls pop out.


Izumo:"ha he can't even summon a strong demons as familiars, I bet there the lower kind like him."

I gave her a small smile then the dolls started to speak...

Kanda:"Who are you calling weak human!"

Road:"I bet we could beat you humans easily! We could sense your strength and your all weak against us except tyki and allen.Also for your information our strength is close to satan so you bette-"


Kanda & road:"Allen!"

N:'Wow even kanda said your first name except moyashi or bean sprout or anything at all...he must be excited to meet you.'

When I was about to answer to neah,there was a black of smoke appear then there is a human road and kanda without the gray skin and no seven stars on their foreheads.

The classroom gasp then got into fighting position.

Then road tackle me but mostly like a death hug.Then something happen to me that I never thought that we will do on public to me.

kanda hug me.

Kanda:"*mumble* *wisper* I thought I told you to not go to any death missions without me..."


The whole class is still stareing at us.

Yukio:"If I am correct mr.tyki said you have already summon your familiars?"

"yes as you can see the guy with the long hair is named kanda and this here is road,they are able to transform into human form as well.When you see them in their dolls form you think there weak but they are stronger then what they look.Even road had said their powers and strength are closer to satan himself."

Bon:"Close to satan ha! I bet they are weak and as you are as well-"

Before bon could say anything else kanda Mogen was at bon neck.He is ready to cut his head off if bon said anything else.

The class take notice and got into fighting position again.Yukio took out his guns and shoot straight at kanda.Kanda notice and then cut half of the bullet.Road stand next to allen but mostly a protect stance.

Yukio pov.

He cut my bullet!?! How is that even possible!I guess allen-kun is right about them being strong.That road girl is doing a protected stance around allen.

Allen:"Oh stop is bakanda I know he is annoying but he stills need to live."

Bakanda?....oh now I get it.

Kanda:"oh shut up I could do what I want stupid moyashi!"

A tick mark appear on allen forehead.

Allen:"It's Allen! A-L-L-E-N! Allen! oh wait I forgot your brain is tiny to know how to say my name."

Kanda:"really well I am glad I don't look like a grandpa with that white hair!"

Allen:"Then I'm glad I don't look like a girl at least!"

It is quite amusing to see those two fight.

Road pov. s-ship is fighting! Why! I thought I told them to try to act nice out in public! but no they only act all lovely cute when there in private! But at public they try to kill eacthother...I love my family!

Allen;"you okay there road?"

"I'm alright I am just thinking is all."

tyki:"Wow I get no hello here."

Road:"oh hello tyki!I didn't see you there."

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