Chapter 30

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Edit!!! !!!!      A/N:...sorry to republish this chapter again, I just reread the whole chapter and notice their was a couple miss spelling. I wasn't to surprise since I did post this chapter around 2 or 3am. So again sorry and chapter 31 will be up soon. And I Kanda will be way out of OOC through this story.

Allen pov.

"Please don't lie to me Allen? You know how much I hate it when people lie to me... please don't leave me alpha..." Kanda whisper the last part quite but didn't look up to met Allen face hoping to not see any source of lie shown upon his face.

I reach down to Kanda chin and force him to look up at my eyes and close enough for his nose to touch my nose.

"Have I ever disrespect you my omega?" I said while showing a little hurt by his statement.

'Yes! Alpha Allen is on the move!' Neah yelled with excitement

I went towards my omega neck and started to nibble and gently bite as if he is the most delicate glass ever made.

"A-Allen~" Kanda whimpers softly.

A growl had come out of my mouth when he whimpers my name.

"Alpha~" Kanda corrects himself just as he still whimpers in excitement. It's rare for Allen to show his alpha side, which made him happy knowing he gets to see this version of Allen at his rare times.

"You don't trust me anymore my omega? You think I'll date that gold digger then my  omega? The omega that I love, cherish, worship, who will carry my kits, and the only omega that I'll cross over the stars and galaxies many times as I can do to be with you."

Kanda pov.

My alpha hug me around the waist as I lay on top of him. I can easily smell the possessive he has right now. I then ignore everything around us as I melted into his arms feeling protected and cared.

"No one will ever replace you my love."

I felt tears fallen down from my eyes. My alpha is the only person to see me in this state. I may act tough but I still have a heart.

"Shhh, it's alright my love." Allen whispers towards my ears calming me down.

"Please don't ever leave me my alpha." I whine softly against his neck.

"Never plan too."

My alpha put his lips against mine for a tender kiss. There where no tongue, teeth against each other, and in a heated moment. Just us in a sweet moment feeling the love we share. He then pulled away for a lack of oxygen we need. I whine softly missing his lips pressed against mine.

"Do you want to go back or sleep here for a while my love?" Allen asked towards his lover.

I thought about it for a while and then said back to him...

"If we leave that human girl will be all over you trying to get your attention and I have to stay in my doll form. But if we stay here for a while, I'm able to have you for the next couple of hours and not in my doll form. Yeah let's stay here. " I said while snuggling close to Allen.

"heh, what ever you want my love." Allen said before he kiss my cheek.

"Alpha~ You miss a spot~."

" Oh did I? I got to fix that won't I?'

Allen pulled me up and kiss me on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck to push more force between our lips. His arms started to rub against my waist to my ass as he grabs them. Making me pull away to let off a small moan. He tried to kiss me again but I had stop him. He left a small little growl when I refuse to let him kiss me again.

"Why did you stop me?" Allen asked.

I kiss his cheek and said...

"Well alpha if I continue to let you kiss me you're going to fuck me until I forget how to pronounce my name. I can't afford you letting me into a early heat when your scent is strong enough: just like the other times you put me into a early heats. And please calm down your lust, I can smell it easily."

I heard Allen still growling a little.

"Sigh Allen, I do want to make love with you but not right now. You're going to wait for my heat to come soon... And can we form a baby when my heat comes?" I whisper the last part quite.

My alpha and I have never talk about having a child together after 300 years. After the war, everyone was busy looking for the heart. My inner omega cried every year to want to produced a child of our love. I just hope now is the best time, sigh I'm this closed to snap my patience and forced my alpha on bed and make a child with me.

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