chapter 12

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Here is chapter 12!
And Merry Christmas everyone!

Allen pov.

The next day I woke up about 5:00a.m since noahs don't usaly sleep that much.I decided to change and go downstairs.

N:'hey hey allen guess what.'

A:'what is It neah.'

N:'oh nothing just to tell you about I don't know maybe about kanda comeing back that's all.'

"OMG I totally forgot about It thanks neah!"

Yukio:"about what Allen and who is neah?"

N & A:'sh*t'

Yukio pov.

I decided to wake up at 5:05 a.m since I didn't grade the papers.I heard footsteps outside our door so I went to go check on It.I see Allen all dress up and going downstairs....later I heard him say.

Allen:"OMG I totally forgot about It thanks neah!"

Who is neah?what did he forgot about?He doesn't have a phone right now does he?

"About what Allen and who is neah?"

Allen pov.

A:'He heard us neah he heard us....'

N:'Alright...someone give Allen a knife and a human black bag nos.'

A:'were not killing anyone uncle.'

N:'Alright,alright,alright....but just to make sure.'

"OH sorry I just some how remember my uncle who is neah called last night and....I some how remember It now."

Yukio pov.     (A/N:I am going to pov to pov to pov over and over again on this chapter.)


I went back upstairs...I didn't ask were he is going....I need to ask sur mephisto about him.He might be a demon with that star in his forhead he has.

Allen pov.

A:'That was close neah.'

N:'But we should still kill him,Allen he's going to know some how.'

A:'No we can't I still have to act human for now.'

N:'But still.'


I went back upstairs to my room and decided to at least decorate the room a little.

*Time skip*


My room walls color is white,clear space,and I put the noah ark door in the closet with the lock on the clóset door.

N:'looks pretty.'

A:'it sure does a-'

I was stop by my own small scream.My arm started to hurt since the last battle.
I thought....damn I need to ask the Earl or lulubell to help me fix It later...damn It stills hurts.

After about 5 minutes of pain my hand started to feel normal but still the color black with the Cross in my hand.I grab my white gloves and put them on.

N:'you okay allen~'

A:'Do I look okay to you.'


A:'you know I love you but you can be very annoying once in a while.'

N:'Hey!That is who I am allen.'


N:'now go too school It's almost 8:00am so hurry.'

A:'alright let's go.'

I was about to grab my jacket until I remember I told yukio about showing my face.I sigh and left my jacket at my bed and ran off.

Words counting:

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