We dont keep secrets.

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The kids are 15/16 in this one shot.

Mike had always been protective of El, if any boy tried to flirt with her or try to hurt her mike would never let them before they could do anything to her. Today was one of those days where mike got protective in a good sort of way.


El was quiet today. She was fine this morning but in the middle of the day she started to try to stay away from mike and her friends. She wasn't sat with them at lunch and in all of her classes all she did was look down at her book writing things down, not paying any attention to anyone.

Before class, She quickly got some books from her Locker and turned around to walk to her 5th class of the day, but she had her head down with her books grabbed to her chest and accidentally bumped into a person with a familiar face.

"Oh! Hi el! Sorry I didn't see you there." Will sniggered while picking her books that she dropped off of the floor.

"Oh, um will, hi. I'm sorry but I've really got to get to class, got another test!" El chuckled nervously, trying to act as normal as possible.

She carefully grabbed her books from wills hands and tried to walk away. But will grabbed her arm, she jumped at the sudden movement.

"Hey wait! Where have you been all day? You weren't there at lunch. Is everything okay?"

"I-I've just been busy all day. I'm fine." El stuttered and quickly covered her jaw.

He gave her a worried look.
She sighed as she stared at the floor, she was thinking about if she should tell him what happened.


"Okay, I'll tell you what's wrong.. But whatever you do you can't tell mike. He'll go crazy.." El gulped.

"What? Tell mike what? Oh my go-" Will started but gasped as El revealed a dark bruise on the side of her face.

"El! Who did this to you?!" Will said said and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Tears started To form in her eyes.

El looked at him blankly for a second before lowering her gaze to the floor

"Troy did this to you?" Will asked.

She nodded, still looking at the ground.

"El, you have to tell mike." Will insisted.

"No. You know how protective he is. He'll just beat Troy up and make it worse, he might even get suspended." El reasoned.

"True. But how are you gonna keep him from seeing it? He'll spot it el." Will added with one raised eyebrow.

"Listen, I'll just avoid him for the rest of the day and when I get home I'll put some makeup over it, it'll be gone in a few days." El decided.

Will nodded. "Okay el, I'll push this one aside, but if it happens again I'm gonna have to tell mike."
Eleven trembled and nodded.
He gave her a big smile and a lasting hug before heading to class.
El sighed, and also went to her class in the opposite direction.

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