Mileven Mansion

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WOOHOO IVE FINALLY UPDATED! I missed you all so much, I hope you like this one! And if you don't, that's okay, there will be more to come!

It was spring break, the time of the year when dull winter was fading away and the sunshine was finally starting to appear again.
Hawkins had been wet and muggy for the past few months and all of the kids were so excited to be off school for 2 weeks so they can play out in the sun instead of sitting in maths class being all depressed.

Joyce And hopper decided to rent out a little villa in Florida for the week so the kids could have some time away from everything.
They were luckily getting it for free seeing as Joyce was friends with the woman who owns it so eleven and will were allowed to bring 4 friends.

El's first choice was obviously mike.

And as you've probably already guessed, they also invited Lucas, dustin and Max, their best friends.

El imagined it to be one of the best weeks of her life.


"Kids! Come on or we'll be late to our flight!" Joyce yelled up the stairs and soon enough 6 excited teenagers came running down the stairs giggling as their suitcases made bumping noises from hitting the steps.

"Have you all remembered everything? I am not driving back here while we're half way to the airport because one of you have forgotten something." Joyce asked them all.

They all nodded, smiling at each other.

"Okay good. Let's go." She said before they were all heading out the front door and getting in a minivan they rented.

The car drive to the airport was long and noisy, it's never quiet with 6 teenagers all chatting over the top of each other.

El had never been to an airport before, she knew there was nothing really to worry about, but the planes were the thing that scared her the most.

She asked mike about them and he said they are totally safe but then stupidly said in some cases they have crashed, which didn't help her at all.

He also told her the nice things about planes, like the exiting bumpy journey when you take off and land, and when you can see how beautiful the clouds look when the sun is setting, and the little bags of salted peanuts.

"This is our terminal kids" Hopper said as they rushed to the gate.

Eleven saw the plane through the window, it was big and weird, but she thought it looked pretty cool.

"You exited el? It's going to be so cool! I've never been to Florida before but I've heard it's warm and sunny unlike Hawkins." Mike smiled at el.

"Yeah, I'm really excited but I'm not about the plane're still sitting next to me arnt you?" El asked.

"Of course I am, there's nothing to be worried about, it's fun." He reassured her and put his armed around the girl that was small compared to him.

She looked up and smiled at him, he always knew how to make her feel better.

They finally boarded the plane and showed the flight attendant their tickets. They sat down on the small seats which didn't help elevens claustrophobia, but mike was there which distracted her from it.

𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | MilevenWhere stories live. Discover now