The High school party.

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The kids are 17 in this one shot.

Warning: This one shot may include mature content like swearing and drinking.

It was a Saturday night. mike, eleven, Dustin, max, Lucas and will were going to Chloe browns high school party. Nearly every was going, all of the popular people especially.

When mike, eleven and the gang turned 15, they got really popular, they were invited to loads of party's but they weren't the crazy ones like Chloe browns parties where people smoke, have sex and drink alcohol, that's what mike was afraid of.

He let el go to this party because he knew that he can't keep treating her like a little girl, he needed to treat her normally instead of a girl who was locked up by the government for 12 years of her life because she has telekinetic ability's. He wanted her to experience everything, including high school party's that she might regret the next day when she's hung over and throwing up in the toilet.

Mike was sat on the basement couch with the Boys, he was wearing all black, probably to look like a edgy popular teen. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a plain black shirt, black skinny jeans and of course some black shoes, he also wore his silver watch that el got him for Christmas.

He tapped his foot on the floor while waiting for el and max, soon after they came walking down the stairs in their outfits. Mike tried not to freak out when he saw how beautiful el looked. Her hair wasn't done, just her natural short curls that mike loved. She was wearing (see picture at the top). Mike smiled knowing that she was wearing a leather jacket too and they were matching.

"Looking classy milady." Mike smiled at el, he held her waist and she rapped her arms around his neck.

"You too my lord." El laughed and poked mikes chest.

"Okay guys lets get going, the party starts in 15 minutes." Lucas reminded them all. His arm around Max's shoulder.

They walked up the basement stairs and headed to the front door, mike said bye to his mom and they all got in dustins car.

Mike wanted el to be safe, so he set some ground rules being the protective boyfriend that he is.

"El. You've got to promise me some things."
Mike said with a serious tone but couldn't help smiling.

"Ughhh Fine, go on." El smiled back.

"At the party, you have to promise me that you won't get drunk, or smoke, or let any other drunk guys do anything to yo-" Mike said but he was interrupted by eleven.
"Mike! Calm down, you know I'm not gonna do any of that." El reassured him and rested her head on his shoulder.
Mike chuckled to himself and looked out of the window until they got to the party.

Chloe browns house was HUGE, it was like Steve's, she had a massive swimming pool and her house was amazing.
As they walked in, they saw people dancing, smoking, drinking and walking upstairs to do 'you know what'..

El grabbed mikes and Max's hand and pulled them onto the dance floor.

"Let's danceee!!" El shouted because of the loud music and started hopping around with max as mike laughed at them.

An hour later

"Mike I'm thirsty! Where are the drinks!" El shouted.

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