Promise me

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As some of you may notice, in the description of this book I said that most of the one shots will be depressing. things have been a little bit too happy in my OneShots recently so you know what that means...THIS IS GONNA BE A SAD ONE SHOT! YAY! so like I warned you don't cry plz.

The kids are 15 in this, it's kinda like a part from my own season 3

Eleven sprinted down the dark corridors of Hawkins lab, lights flickering on and off above her, it was hard to see and the flashing of the lights was making her nauseous. She was stumbling as she ran and was bashing into the walls at her side. Her eyes red and drained and blood pouring from her nose.

This time she wasn't running way from something. She was running towards something.

That thing was mike wheeler.

"MIKE!! MIKEEE!!" El sobbed as she ran faster.

"El! EL!" She heard mike scream and cry from far away in another room.

Her heart broke hearing him scream for her, he was in physical and emotional pain and she knew it.

El finally reached a white room with shining bright white lights, her eyes soon adjusted to the brightness until she saw mike strapped down in a chair with his hair a mess, tear stained cheeks and blood dripping from a huge cut on his forehead.

"Mike, oh my god." El cried and ran up to him.

He didn't say a word, he just cried with her.

"It's okay, I'm gonna get you out of here." She panicked, trying to undo the straps on his wrists.

"Back away. Slowly." A tall man with white snow hair appeared in the doorway. It was Brenner, and he was pointing a gun towards el.

El turned around, and she began to sob more. She was so drained. She didn't know if she could take on anything else.

"Why are you doing this! Why have to took mike and not me?!" El yelled at the cold faced man.

"Because you would've never came if I just told you to come here yourself. So I took your precious pathetic boyfriend to lead you here so you would come and find him. And it worked." He chuckled menacingly.

"What do you want?!" El screamed.

"I want you to stay here with me. We're going to start over again eleven. We're going to create new subjects and teach them how to use their powers." Brenner ordered.

"I'm not doing anything with you..." el stated firmly.

"Very well, but if you don't, your boyfriend over there is getting a bullet in the back of his head."
He pointed the gun towards mike.

Els eyes widened.

"Don't listen to him el! Don't do anything with him." Mike pleaded.

"If you go anywhere near him I swear i will snap your neck in a heartbeat." El threatened Brenner as her nostrils flared.

"You know you would never dare. You're too drained. You wouldn't have the heart to do that. I can tell when your battery is low." He smirked.

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