Never talk to me again.

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WARNING: This one shot may break your shattered mileven heart for the 3745 time so if you don't take mileven depression well then do not read this one shot. ALSO THERE IS KISSING N STUFF SO IVE WARNED YOU😂ENJOY BITCH
The kids are 16-17 in this one shot

It was any other normal school day, it was lunch and mike was on his way back from history class heading to the table he usually sits at with el, max and the boys.

He stopped at the soda machine in the corridor and slotted in a creased dollar note, a few seconds later a coca-cola dropped down out of the machine, he grabbed it from where it dropped, popped the cap open and drank it as he walked trying not to spill it on himself. But suddenly, he was pulled by the handle of his backpack into the janitors closet viciously. He dropped his coke on the floor and weirdly felt a soft pair of lips against his. The person who was kissing him repeatedly had their hand on his cheek and were pulling him in close.

He smiled to himself as he obviously knew this was eleven, sometimes at lunch they would sneak into the janitors closet together if they missed eachother.
After about a minute of snogging this person, something felt off to mike, it didn't feel like he was kissing el at all. Out of curiosity, he opened his eyes mid-kissing and realised this wasn't el at all, he pulled away to see a skinny girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. It was Jessica white, one of the most popular girls in school. Someone who el hated deeply.

"What the hell! I thought I was kissing eleven!" Mike yelled, staring at the girl with furrowed eyebrows.

"Shhhh. Don't talk, just enjoy it.." she whispered seductively and pulled mike in for another rough snog..
Mike wanted to pull away for el's sake, but he couldn't, he didn't know why.
His heart was telling him no, but his brain just kept repeating to him: 'Just kiss her. El will never know, your in the janitors closet and the only people who will ever know are you and Jessica...'

So mike did, he just kept kissing her...
El, max, and the boys were all sat at their usual table at the cafeteria.
The boys and max were all laughing loudly together, but el was just picking at her food silently while staring at the empty seat next to her.
'Where the hell is mike?' She thought to herself.

"Hey el? You okay?" Max asked curiously while realising that el wasn't talking.

"Yeah I'm okay... it's just that I don't know where mike is and he's usually here by now." El said back, looking down at her food while still picking at it.

"Oh yeah, he's not here...that's weird. Well do you want to go look for him? He's probably just been a douche bag in class again and Mr.Gandi kept him behind." Max asked el.

All the boys were listening now, they all nodded including el as they started their search to find him. Little did they know he was doing something they would've never guessed.

{After school}

It was now after school and the boys, max and el were still on their hunt to find mike.

El ran round the corner of the corridor to see Will and the rest of the gang running up to her.

"Found him yet?" El panted as she put her hands on her knees.

𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 | MilevenWhere stories live. Discover now