The adams apple

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Lucas, Dustin, will, max, mike and eleven all sat in mikes basement laughing together for the 50th time today about another random thing.

Mike was laughing so much that he couldn't breathe and kept tilting his head up to the ceiling.
Whenever he did that, el couldn't stop looking at this growing lump that was starting to appear in his throat throughout the past few months.

After they all stopped laughing, el decided to ask him about it. You know, just in case he was sick or something.

"Mike?" El asked.

"Yeah El?" Mike responded quickly, wiping away his tears from laughing so much.

"What's that thing on your throat?" She questioned and pointed to it as mike made a weird face at her action.

"What thing?" Mike grew worried.

"That weird pointy lump, it comes out when you tilt your head up." El pointed at mikes throat once again.

"Don't worry el, mikes just got a small apple stuck in his throat called Adam." Lucas joked and Dustin laughed, but el took it seriously.

"Well get Adam out?! I don't like him, He could hurt mikes throat!" El started to panic.

"El, he's joking." Mike laughed. "He means I'm getting an Adam's apple."

"Oh. Why? And what's an Adam's apple?" She wondered.

"When the larynx grows larger during puberty, it sticks out at the front of the throat. everyone's larynx grows during puberty." Mike explained, he learnt all of this in school.

"Then why don't I have one?" El asked, feeling her throat for any weird lump that might be growing there.

"Well a girl's larynx doesn't grow as much as a boy's does,That's why boys have Adam's apples and girls kinda don't." Mike added.

"Oh, Well thank god your not hurt." She sighed.
"Lucas, Dustin and will don't have an Adam's apple..." el noticed.

Mike and max started laughing. "Yeah, that's coz they're still little boys." Mike chuckled at the 3 pubescent boys giving him a death stare.

"By the way, What's Pu-ber-ty?" El asked, struggling to say the new word.

Mikes smile turned to a shocked expression, his eyes went wide and his cheeks red as the other boys and Max started laughing hysterically once again, paying him back at just making fun of them.

"Yeah mike, tell el what puberty is! Joyce and hopper would be happy about that." Max laughed.

Mike death stared max "Shut up max!" And he turned back to el.
"My mom or Joyce will explain that to you another time el." Mike held her hand.

"El! Will! Your mom is here to pick you up!" Karen called from up the stairs.

"I'll see you tomorrow Mike." El smiled and kissed his forehead.

"Bye el." He grinned.

"Gross!" Dustin stuck his tongue out in disgust and put his fingers in his mouth as if to say he was gonna barf.

El rolled her eyes at Dustin and waved at mike as she ruffled his wavy hair.

Her and Will ran up the basement stairs, they thanked Karen for having them round for dinner and hopped in the car where Joyce was sat.

"Hey kids, did you have fun today?" She asked them kindly.

"Yeah." They both said in sync as they put their seatbelts on.

"Mom, What's puberty?" El blurred out without hesitation.

"What?" Joyce looked around her shoulder to el in shock.

"What is puberty? Mike said you'd explain it to me." El said.

"Oh gosh. Um." Joyce worried, this came way too fast. "I'll explain when we get home Hun."

El nodded, it was silent the rest of the way home.


"Hopper! She asked me what puberty was! This is no joke!" El heard Joyce yell in the living room as she listened through her bedroom door with Will.

El sighed "I don't see what the big deal is about explaining it to me will."

"Me either, I guess she's just worried because she never had to explain it to me seeing as I learnt about it in school." He said.

"Well can you explain it to me?" El requested.

"Sure. But only so my mom won't go freaking out about it anymore" Will accepted.
"Well, I don't know that much about it but, I just describe it as you know, us growing up. it's kinda like our body is telling us that we are growing into more of adults I guess. like mike said earlier boys larynx grows which means that their voice is breaking, it becomes deeper. Boys muscles also grow more and they get broader shoulders and stuff like that. Boys and girls puberty are way different things but one thing I know is that we both start to smell but there is no way on earth I'm talking about that." Will chuckled.

"That's a lot of information. Why don't you have an Adam's apple?" El asked, she had a lot of questions.

"I don't know, I guess it's because we all grow at different times. That's why my voice is so squeaky." He laughed.

"I think it's pretty." El said, complimenting wills high pitched voice.

"Gee, Thanks." Will chuckled. "So, you really like mike huh?" He winked.

"Yes, he's pretty." She smiled.

"He likes you too." Will smirked.

"Really?" She purked up.

"Yeah, I can tell. I'm pretty sure he loves you."

"Love?" She frowned.

"Yeah, He makes it pretty obvious, I'm his best friend, I know him too well." Will explained.

"What is love?" El asked.

"Well, you only really love one person, when you're around them you feel funny inside and you really care about them, you'd do anything for that one person and you want to be around them all the time. You can also love your friends and family but just not in the same way." Will said softly.

"I love Mike too."El smiled as Will smiled back.

El was telling the truth, and nothing but the truth.


I don't really know what this was but im pretty sure it was really original at the Adam's apple part, this chapter was kinda all over the place but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Just wanted to show the awkward side of the kids growing up

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