Hogwarts things

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I don't know how many people like Harry Potter, but I love it. So I've decided it would be really cool to make the kids from stranger things go to Hogwarts! Let me know in the comments what house you think will, max, dustin, Lucas, mike and el would be in!

Just remember, if you don't like Harry Potter, that's fine. You can always skip this chapter. There's different ones to come!
(I apologise that this chapter doesn't have a lot of mileven in it, but if I make a part two then that definitely will)

Mike wheeler was already in his 3rd year at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, and nothing interesting had really happened. He always felt like he just hadn't met the right people yet. The friends he has now are cool, but he just doesn't fit in around them, he's always the one that's walking alone behind them while walking to class or the one that gets cut off when he's trying to talk in a group conversation, and to tell the truth, he hates it.

You must be thinking...well, why doesn't he just get some new friends? It sounds easier than it actually is, he's not the type to make friends fairly quickly. He thinks himself as very awkward when talking to people, and that makes him think that they hate him.

Although, he's had his eye on El Hopper, another Gryffindor who seems to have the same problem that mike has. Whenever he sees her in the corridor, she's always walking behind her friends too, and she never seems happy around them.

Mike just wishes that he wasn't an anti-social coward, his life would be so much better if he could somehow pluck up the courage to make new friends that love him for the dorky way he is. Little did he know, his wish would soon come true...


Mike was sat in potions class, his chin resting on his hand. He was sketching random squiggles on a spare bit of parchment he had on his desk.

"Wheeler! Are you listening to me or are you being an inattentive fool who is not bothered about his grades in potions class whatsoever?!" Snape hissed and Mike soon lifted his head up and got rid of the bit of paper that had random squiggles on it.

"Sorry professor." Mike said tiredly, he never got enough sleep.

"Yes, well sorry is not good enough for me. Ten points from Gryffindor." Snape boomed carelessly.

There was a flood of groans from all of the Gryffindors in the room. Mike rarely lost points for his house, but when he did he felt terrible about it. It's no surprise that he only got points taken away in snapes lesson. In that class Gryffindors get points taken away for breathing.

He glanced next to him where El was sitting, she was probably the only Gryffindor in the room who didn't look mad at mike for loosing them points. She noticed him staring and looked back at him, she could tell he didn't feel proud for the points he cost them.

"Don't worry about it, it's only ten. We can get them back easily." El gave mike a soft, toothless smile. Mike liked listening to her voice, even though he rarely heard it, it was soft and calm and never sounded harsh.

After potions class, Mike went on his way to the great hall for the evening feast, he wasn't looking where he was going as he was awfully tired and wasn't that aware of his surroundings.
Unfortunately for him, he bumped into a Slytherin and they both fell on the floor. It wasn't the fact that it was a slytherin that bothered him, it was the type of slytherin that it was (He didn't like stereotypes, he has met many kind slytherins).
It was Scott Johnson, he was one of the meanest guys in the year, mike has had problems with him in the past and they weren't fun. Scott was tall, strong and popular, so everyone was scared of him and was basically forced to like him so they wouldn't get beat up. At times like these mike wished he actually got a good night sleep so that he was attentive and didn't bump into his bully.

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