Girls are the worst.

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The 4 boys always thought that boys were better than girls, they always have boy talk together about how much girls suck and boys are way better.
Well, that's until el comes up to mike and max comes up to Lucas, then they change their mind.
They go all soppy like they can't talk because they're scared they might say the wrong thing.


"Hey guys, you excited for the school marathon today?" Mike asked the boys as he got his bike from the front yard of his house to go to school.

"Totally" Dustin said sarcastically.
"I really don't know why they make us run 4 miles around the school for nothing, what's it going to teach us for when we're older?"

Mike rolled his eyes. "Lucas what about you?"

"Yeah I love the marathon, I find it quite relaxing." Lucas nodded his head.

"Relaxing?! What do you find relaxing about running around the school field trying to catch your breath because you think your going to run out of oxygen or be sick?!" Dustin yelled as they rode on their bikes down the street.

"Whatever Dustin, I just like it okay?" Lucas stated.

"Anyway, are you nervous? It's always girls run against boys and there's some fast girl runners in our grade." Mike asked.

"Of course I'm not nervous. There might be some fast girls but they aren't fast enough to outrun the boys, girls are the worst." Lucas chuckled and tensed his arm muscles.

"Yeah. Girls are the worst." Mike agreed.

"I'm loving how your saying girls are the worst but you both have a girlfriend. You should see your faces when your around them." Will laughed as Dustin agreed with him.

Mike and Lucas just looked at each other with blushed cheeks. They were almost at the school gates as they pedalled to the bike rack to meet el and max.

They all hopped off of their bikes and rattled them around as they attempted to put them in the racks.

"Where's el and max? They're usually here by now." Mike wondered.

"There they are." Will pointed out as he saw them walking up to the boys.

Every time Lucas and mike saw them it was like everything was in slow motion.

"Hi mike!" El said cheerfully as she hugged him tightly.

"Sup stalker." Max smirked and pecked Lucas on the lips.

Will and Dustin watched them as Will nudged Dustins arm. "Watch this." Will whispered.

"Aww, young love... hey mike and Lucas why don't you tell el and max what you were saying about girls earlier? Something about that they suck and boys are much better?" Will grinned.

Both of the boys cheeks went red and they were as embarrassed as anything.

"What the hell?! I'll have you know that girls are just the same as boys and we can do whatever you can!" El started to get mad.

"You just wait until the girls beat you in the marathon later." Max death stared the two boys.

"Okay then, let's make a deal. If the girls win me and Lucas will do whatever you ask for the rest of the week, but if the boys win you two have to do that for us, how's that sound?" Mike said sternly and held his hand out to max and el.

"Deal." Both the girls said in unison and shook mikes hand.


It was now the time of the race. The rules were: the kids will have to run around the school field 4 times which is approximately 4 miles, they have to try and cross the finish line as soon as possible. the judges will see the first 10 people who cross the finish line first and will write down those 10 peoples names. If the majority of the 10 people are girls, then the girls win, but if the majority of the 10 people are boys, then the boys win.

The whole of the kids grade lined up together on the field and were waiting for the whistle to go off.

Max and el looked at each other and nodded to each other as they got ready to run.

"On your marks, get set...go!"

All the kids giggled as they ran round the field wildly.
Dustin had already given up as he couldn't be bothered and he didn't see the big deal. (Me)

It had been about 10 minutes of running and will, Lucas, mike, max and el were still going strong including other boys and girls too.

The finish line was in view and they all sprinted as fast as they could as they passed the finish line.

Mike, Lucas, max and el were in the top 10 with other kids but sadly Will didn't cross it in time.

After all the kids caught their breathes and drank as much water as possible, one of the judges stood up on the field with a microphone as they were about to announce the winners out of the boys and the girls.

"First of all I would like to congratulate all of you for trying your best in this years marathon." The judge started.

"Last years winners were the boys, so it will be amazing to see who the winners are this year!"

"Just say who won already!" Mike whispered.

"And the winners of the grade 9 Hawkins middle marathon are!...the girls!!"

Max and el stood up and started squealing together as mike and Lucas groaned annoyingly.

"Sorry boys! Looks like your going to be our maids for the rest of this week!" Max laughed.

"See you at mikes house later!" El and max giggled together.


It was now after school at mikes house. El and max had already got foot massages from their boyfriends and as much eggos as they could eat.
Max and Lucas had gone home and it was just mike and el sat on the basement couch.
Els head was resting on mikes shoulder with her eyes closed.

"El." Mike said.

"Mhm." She muffled.

"I'm sorry I said that about girls. They arnt bad at all." Mike apologised.

"It's okay mike, I know you didn't mean it. And you don't have to be my little maid anymore." El kissed him on the cheek.

Mike leaned over and gave el a soft kiss. He held her cheek gently as their lips moved together

"I love you." El looked into mikes brown eyes.

"I love you too." Mike smiled.


Hey guys! I'm sorry this didn't have a lot of mileven in it but it was cool to write something different.

Until the next chapter!

Stay strange!💕

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