Since you've been gone

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The kids are 14 in this one shot.

Mike Wheeler had always loved el. He's loved her since the day he met her. so since she's been gone, he doesn't know how to cope.

She went missing about a year ago at the school. The demogorgon took her away from mike right in front of his own eyes.

It's hard for him to go to school everyday and have to go to mr.clarke's classroom, all he can do is stare at the chalk board of where she went missing, he can't even focus on science or AV club.
Or in the cafeteria all he can look at is the empty table where him and el shared their first kiss.
Or when he comes home everyday and sees her comfy little fort which he can't bring himself to take down.
Or when he goes to play with his action figures until it turns into a flood of tears when he sees Rory the dinosaur or his Millennium Falcon which he showed el when she was still around.

Everything he did or saw just reminded him of


Mikes family knew he was depressed. Everyday they acted so happy around him to try and lift his spirit even though it never worked.

If this was any other girl mike would of definitely got over her by now, but there was something about el, it's like his mind and his heart just told him that they were meant to be together.

He knew she was out there somewhere. Just somewhere far away.


Mike wheeler groaned as he heard the ringing of his alarm go off.
He hit it to turn it off with the palm of his sweaty hand and dragged himself out of bed.

He slid a baggy shirt on which probably hadn't been washed in a week or so and shuffled down the stairs while rubbing his eyes to see his mom in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hi sweetie! Breakfast is almost ready." Karen tried to act joyful when inside she hated to see her son like this.

"Mhm. Ok" He said restlessly before sitting down at the dining room table.

Karen walked over to her son with a plate of scrambled eggs and toast and placed it in front of him. She then sat down next to him so that it was only her and mike sat at the table.

"Honey I need you to eat something. You haven't eaten in 24 hours and the last thing to had was a can of soup." She said calmly.

"I'm not hungry." Mike stated pushing the plate of food away.

"Please eat something Michael. Your 14 and you still need to grow you can't just starve yourself, it's making you weak." Karen pleaded softly.

"You don't have to talk to me like that you know mom." Mike said.

"Like what?" She tilted her head a little bit.

"Like You have to think about what you say to me in case you hurt my feelings. I'm not just some fragile glass object that'll break if you say something bad to me." His voice raised a little bit.

"Michael we are just worried about you, that's all. Nancy, your dad, Mrs.Byers, all your friends. We're all worried about you. Is it about that girl?" Karen confessed until mike looked at her when she mentioned el.

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