Daddys girl

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The kids are 14/15 in this one shot.

It was nearly the end of 1985, which meant that it was nearly time for el to be able to go out into the real world instead of being seen as a "experiment".
She still lived in her cabin in the woods, her and hopper still had there secret knock so that el could know that it was him and not some government people trying to take her away.

While hopper was at work, mike would always come to see el secretly every day after school and would climb out of the window a few minutes before hopper came home.
El and mike also had a secret knock,
it was '-- .. -.- .' Which meant "mike" in text, so that she knew it was him.


It was any other normal day after school and mike rode down the rocky path in the woods to els cabin. He parked his bike at the side of the house and jogged up to the wooden door.
"-- .. -.- ." El heard coming from the door, she gasped in excitement and jumped up off the sofa to run to the door.
As she opened it she saw a smiling mike in the doorway, she hugged him tightly and felt her feet being picked up off the floor.

"Hey el!" Mike said cheerfully while putting her back down on the ground.

"Hey." el said with a smile as they both walked into the house and sat down on the sofa.

"So, what have you been up to today?" Mike asked el even though he already knew the answer.

"You know, what I do everyday. Wake up, eat breakfast, watch tv, wait for dad to get home, eat dinner. But most importantly I get to see you." El laughed.

"I hate how you have to stay here all day, but it'll only be a few months until you can come to school with me and do fun things like go to the arcade." Mike kissed els forehead.

"Yeah I know, I can't wait." El cuddled up to mike.

"You tired?" Mike asked

"Yeah...I haven't been feeling well today."

"Well you can go to sleep If you want, I might take a nap too." Mike offered

"Oh god, your turning into your dad mike.." El joked. "But yeah, I'd like to take a nap."

Mike nodded and they both cuddled closely next to each other on the couch with mikes chin resting on els head until they both fell asleep.


Mike woke up with el still in his arms, he looked over at the big clock on the wall.
"7:30..shit! Hopper was meant to be back half an hour ago." Mike whispered to himself.
He shook el gently in order to wake her up, her eyes fluttered open trying to get used to the light.

"El...I have to go, hoppers gonna be back any minute now." Mike said to el softly.

"Your so scared of him mike! Please stay for a little longer." El pleaded.

"No wonder I'm scared of him, he gives me a death stare if I even look at you!" Mike laughed. But he was telling the truth.

Like any other dad, hopper was protective of el, it wasn't like he hated mike but it didn't seem like he wants mike cuddling with his daughter.
Mike was still waiting for hopper to have the 'talk' with him and say things like "if you hurt my daughter in any, way, shape or form, your ass is grass wheeler!" Mike dreads it every day.

Mike was just about to leave when they both heard a knock at the door.

"El! It's me! Can you open the door my ass is gonna freeze out here!" Hopper shouted from outside.

Mike and el froze with their mouths hung wide open while staring at each other in shock.

"Quick mike! Go to my room and wait for me in there." El panicked.

Mike nodded and ran to els room.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." Mike whispered to himself.

"El! What's taking so long?" Hopper shouted.

"I'm coming! Sorry I was on the toilet." El lied awkwardly and unlocked the door.

"Did I hear someone else in here?" Hopper asked while looking around the cabin being paranoid.

"No, no just me." El laughed nervously.

"Well alright then..I'll be in my room changing into my pj's and then we can watch a movie or something. Sound good?" Hopper asked with his cheesy smile he always gives el.

"Yeah! Yeah great! I'll go to my room to change too!" El laughed nervously again and slipped away into her room.

Mike was sat on her bed waiting for her as she walked in the room.
"You've got to go mike, I'm sorry." El apologised.

"No it's fine! I'll see you same time tomorrow." Mike winked and smiled at her as he climbed through the window.

"Mike wait." El grabbed his arm. He stared at her and she leaned in for a lasting kiss, she pulled away and they both smiled at each other. Mike jumped out of the window and hopped on his bike that was at the side of the house.

"See ya curly fries!" Mike waved at her while riding away.

"See ya, noodle head.." el whispered and smiled to herself while closing her window and looking in the direction that mike rode off in.

Mike and eleven had nicknames for each others hair because, why not? Throughout a few months mikes hair went from being straight to curly and el loved it, they both make fun of each other's curls as jokes.

Man...I'm lucky to have him.
El thought to herself as she walked out of her room to watch star wars with her loving dad...


I love this one shot coz I really want a scene in season 3 where hopper gives mike the talk about el😂😂

Mike= Noodle head
El= Curly fries.

Until the next one shot!

Stay strange!💕

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