Growing up

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Age: 14/15 idk your Christian mind can choose

I just hit 7k on this book! Thank you all so much for your support❤️


El sat on the wheelers living room carpet right in front of their tv, mesmerised by the movie that was playing in front of her.

"I love you, but I have to leave!" A beautiful woman yelled at a dark haired man in the movie.

"But bella! I love you! Do not leave me!" The man with the moustache pleaded in an Italian accent.

"You love me?" The woman asked.

"You love me?" Eleven repeated just like the woman did and helt her hand on her heart, pretending she was the woman in the movie.

"What did you say el? Sorry I didn't hear you." Mike asked from the kitchen, making himself a drink and some popcorn.

"Nothing..." El looked at mike then back at the film.

Suddenly the dark haired woman and the Italian man pressed their lips together, but it wasn't just a peck like mike and el have done before, it was more intense and they kept doing it over and over, making els eyes go wide in amazement.
What were they doing?

A second later mike walked in with a bowl of popcorn and asked softly, "El? Have you picked a movie yet?"

"I dont know... i kind of like this one but it's a bit confusing..." El said, her eyes still fixed on the tv.

"What's confusing about it?" He asked as he sat down next to her on the floor.

"They keep pressing their lips together like this." El said, she turned her head to mike and got her index finger from her left hand, and her index finger from her right hand and pressed them together, mocking the man and the woman on the tv.

Mikes cheeks went red. "Oh...that's a kiss."

"A kiss?" El asked again.

"Yeah, you know, like what we did at the snowball and the cafeteria..." mike explained.

"But they did it differently. They kept doing it over and over." She looked away.
"Why have we only kissed twice?" El asked.

"I don't know. but in the movie they are adults, we're only kids."  He added.

"Are kids not allowed to kiss like that?" She wondered.

"Well it's not impossible, but I don't know, We'd probably get in trouble if we did it and someone saw." Mike stated.

"Oh..." She frowned in disappointment.

"What's wrong?" Mike held her hand.

"Nothing." El looked away.

"El, friends tell the truth." Mike said seriously.

"It's just that, I wanted to try it with you." She fiddled with her fingers.

Mikes cheeks went even more red then they were before.

"You want to kiss like that? Like on the tv?" He asked as he pointed at the screen.

El nodded, she looked shameful.

Mike gulped, and started giggling to El, her hopeless innocence made him laugh in awe.

El looked up at mike in relief. And before she knew it, Mike leaned into her and held her cheek with his hand as he kissed her passionately.

They both breathed heavily trying to catch their breath until el pulled away.

"I couldn't breathe." She worried.

"Me either." Mike chuckled. "We should try that again some other time." Mike smirked and el laughed at his words.

She left one last peck on his lips before getting up and sitting back on the soft like nothing ever happened.

Mike laughed and shook his head at the curly haired girl, the girl he loved more than words combined.


Hope that wasn't too weird for you guys, I just thought it would be a good idea to show mike and el growing up and trying new things together.❤️

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