The Quarry

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Inspired by: IT (2017)

The kids are 15

The school bell rang at 3:15, the sound of kids noisily getting up from their seats filled the classrooms.

"Not too fast! I know everyone is excited because it's spring break but I dismiss you, not the bell!" Mrs. Sanders yelled at the kids, she was a small plump woman who wore little round glasses.

"Then why is the bell there?..." mike whispered to himself in annoyance, el heard from the seat next to him and smiled at his witty response-He's so cheeky...

"Before you go I want you to all remember to do the homework on chapters 46-47 in the English book I gave you all! Do not forget or you'll all be getting a weeks detention when we get back!" She spoke loud and clear.

All the kids groaned, really? Homework on spring break?

"You may all go." She finally said.

All the kids basically ran out of the classroom to get away from her before she kept them any longer, but not mike and el. They always took their time putting their books in their bags so they could walk out of class together, holding hands as always.

Mike smiled at el as he grabbed her hand, they said their goodbyes to mrs sanders and headed to meet Lucas, Dustin, will and max at the bike racks.

"Yo love birds" dustin grinned cheekily at the couple, mike rolled his eyes.

"I'm so fucking happy schools out for two weeks! The weathers gonna be nice aswell, what should we do?" Lucas cheered and asked as they all pushed their bikes down the school path.

"I don't know, I might finish reading my comics I got for my birthday." Mike shrugged his shoulders.

"For two weeks??" Dustin asked.

Mike nodded.

"Dude, that's sad." Dustin scoffed.

"It's not sad!" Mike yelled angrily.

"It is too!" Dustin argued back.

"Your just jealous because I got the new X-men comic and you didn't!" Mike threw his hands up in the air.

"Would you air heads shut up?!" Max yelled, and of course, they both shut up.

"Why don't we go to the quarry or something? The water might be warm." Max suggested.

"The quarry?" El butted in.

"Yeah, it's like a large stone pit filled with water, you can go cliff diving off of them." Max explained.

"Sounds cool, I'm in." Dustin agreed.

"Me too." Lucas nodded.

And by that point, they had all agreed to go the next day, even though el still had no idea what Max was talking about.

"El, come to my house at 12pm tomorrow on the dot, I'll get you ready and you can borrow one of my swimsuits." Max smiled.

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