July 4th

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Inspired by the season 3 poster.


"Come on El! Only a few more steps and we'll be here!" Mike wheeler shouted back to el, who was groaning while being behind the rest of the group as they were running up a steep hill. The summers grass crunching beneath their feet.

"Where are we going?!" El shouted back up to him, moaning.

"You'll see! You're gonna love it!" Mike grabbed her hand and pulled her faster up the hill, looking genuinely excited to see El's reaction.

When they got to the top, el couldn't believe her eyes. It was ravishing... Mike was right.

They could see the whole town of Hawkins, which for the first time looked peaceful.
They could hear the joyful cheers from the children still at the carnival down below, and could see how the town lit up in the warm summers night, almost shining like gold.

"It's wonderful..." El looked into the distance, which seemed to go on forever.

The rest of her friends were all giggling together up ahead, but her and mike stayed back and took it all in.

"Who knew Hawkins could look so...calm?" El chuckled and looked at mike.

"I never thought I'd hear those words come out of anyone's mouth." Mike chuckled back to her.

"Me either." El shook her head.

"If you think this is good, wait until you see the fireworks el!" Max shouted to her as she giggled with Will, Lucas and Dustin.

"I can't wait!" She shouted back, laughing at how silly her friends looked playing together, but she liked it, she loved seeing them happy.

"Are you sure the fireworks aren't going to scare you?" Mike asked once again, emphasising the 'sure' with a concerned tone, saying it loud and clear to make sure she definitely heard him. this was probably the 10th time he asked her. He didn't want to pressure her into watching them just because the rest of the party wanted to.

El just grinned at him again.

"You can tell me if they are, I won't mind. We can leave right now-"

"Mike." El interrupted him, smiling at how dorky and kind he was being. Like always.

"Yeah?" Mike raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not scared at all. I'm having the best first proper 4th of July ever." She reassured him, taking his hand in hers.

"Good. This is what 4th of July is always like with us El's. Better get used to it." He looked down and winked at his petit girlfriend.

"Well, If I could, I would make it be the 4th of July everyday." El admitted.

Her and mike were both facing each other now, hands held tightly together.

"Tell me about it. Everyone is always happy and celebrating." Mike agreed.

El tightly hugged mike, her arms wrapping around his waist and his arms around her shoulders from their distinctive height difference.

She looked up at him with the twinkling brown eyes that he falls in love with all over again every time he looks into them. Their hair blowing in the light wind as they stared.

Even though her eyes were brown and looked like they didn't have much to show, Mike knew that they were brown because they were all of El's bright characteristics mixed together, because everyone knows that if you mix all the brightest colours together you get a sort of brown, so it isn't a boring colour after all.

"You're so beautiful." Mike reminded her, like he does every day as he tucked a piece of stranded hair behind her ear which got blew out of place by the wind.

El could never respond when he complimented her. She just giggled and buried her head into his chest.

Abruptly, they were shocked out of their romantic moment by a loud boom in the sky. El knew exactly what it was straight away, although she did admit it scared her at first.

"They've started! Come on el." Mike laughed and took El's hand as they walked closer to the group to get a better look. They others were all stood near the bushes spread out, mesmerised by the bright booms in the sky.

Their faces were painted with the golden rays of the setting sun over the horizon.

"That one was massive!" Dustin almost screamed as a huge firework went off in the sky. His voice breaking in the process.

"That was also a massive voice crack!" Max laughed and shouted over to him.

Mike and El still stood there in the middle of everyone, standing a bit farther back as they held hands, looking at the dancing colours in the night sky.
As the finale began, fireworks continued to illuminate the night sky, so much that it was almost turning the night sky into daylight.

Disturbingly, A few seconds later El felt a sudden presence behind her. And it wasn't a good one.

No one else noticed, but she felt the wind pick up its pace as it got louder and more violent. And the warm summer air grew cold and unnerving.

She looked behind her. She froze. Her body was stiff and she couldn't talk.
Her eyes welled up as she wanted to call for mike, but her body wouldn't obey what she wanted.

Mike felt her stiffen up, and looked to the left of him at his shivering girlfriend.

"El? El what's wrong??..."

Until he turned around, and he saw it too.


I REALLY hope we get a scene like this in season 3, although I don't want the monster and those ugly ass rats to come and hurt my children. I'm conflicted😩

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