Making bets

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The kids are 13/14 in this one shot.

It was Friday at school. Mike had to leave el home everyday to go to school because she wasn't ready to be around all of the bully's there, or just the people in general. She's a sensitive person.
It was 1985 and mike hadn't asked el to be his girlfriend yet even though they both knew that they liked each other.
Friday was mikes favourite day, because he knew that the next day (Saturday) he could spent as much time with el as he wanted.

The boys and max were walking home to mikes house for their sleepover when Lucas started getting cocky.

"Hey mike, why haven't you asked el to be your girlfriend yet?" Lucas teased.

"Isn't it obvious why I haven't? She has no idea what a boyfriend or girlfriend is." Mike answered back with raised eyebrows.

"Yeah but you could still tell her. I bet that's just an excuse because your to much of a Pussy to ask her out." Lucas said intimidatingly. will, Dustin and max all started to laugh.

"No I'm not!" Mike yelled.

"Okay then, i bet you $11 that you won't ask el out when we get home. If you ask her out I'll Give you $11, but if you don't, then you have to give me $11. Deal?" Lucas offered.

"Fine! I'll do it when we get home. But it's your fault if she acts confused." Mike stuck his middle finger up at Lucas and rolled his eyes.

15 minutes later

The Boys and max walked through the front door to see el sat watching tv on the couch.

"Hey el!" They all said in sync.

El turned her head around and her eyes lit up at seeing her friends in the door way.

She ran up to mike and threw her arms around him.

"Wanna go down to the basement to hang out with the guys and max?"  Mike asked el calmly.

She nodded with a smile as they all ran down to the basement giggling together.

A few minutes after talking in a circle, Lucas remembered his and mikes bet.

"Hey el, I think mike has something he wants to ask you." Lucas laughed and punched mikes shoulder. Mike gave him a stern look as if to say
"Shut the fuck up lucas!"

"He does?" El asked and turned to mike.

Everyone stared at mike longingly, waiting for him to ask her.

"Yeah, um, el?" Mike scratched the back of his neck and his cheeks turned pink.

"Yes mike?"

"I was wondering..Uh...would you maybe- want to be my girlfriend?" Mike asked el quietly, his cheeks were bright red now.

"Girlfriend?" El asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I told you she wouldn't know what it was Lucas." Mike looked at Lucas with a face that said 'I told you so'.

"W-Well, when two people like each other, they  become boyfriend and girlfriend. They do stuff together like hold hands and's kinda like just to make sure that people know you love each other.." mike stuttered nervously.

El nodded with a big smile on her face she didn't even have to say yes, mike knew what she was saying just by the way she acted. she hugged him tightly.
Mike smiled and the boys and max all started cheering and clapping like idiots.

"So Lucas? Where's my money?" Mike laughed.

Lucas rolled his eyes and pulled $11 out of his pocket, he then slapped it into mikes hand.

"Thank you my lord." Mike said proudly as they all ran up the stairs for dinner...


This was just a short one shot because I'm sick, so expect more today! I tried to make this less-cringey as possible😂

Until the next ones shot!

Stay strange!💕

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